The Corral

Our webmeister Cary (Lefty) Semar is still working like an army mule repairing his storm ravaged home in San Leon,Texas. So I thought I would type a few thoughts. I read somewhere that there are times in our lifetimes that we meet angels unaware. So it"s a darn good idea to treat everyone with fairness and kindness...until we have just cause to do otherwise. Well, by golly Jim Dandy...think I met such person several months ago. This little gal has a husband and 2 teen sons. Since she was a tot, she has worked all her life on some very hard demanding farm jobs, feed lots and hog farms. She was running the US mail route part time here. Which is a LOOOONG rough old gravel/caliche dirt ranch country route. If she had a flat..she simply stopped and manhandled the heavy truck tire HERSELF and changed it. Remember now this is a tiny but stout little gal!!While the other local women would cellphone someone to come to their rescue. And another thing she did not engage in petty gossip, rumor spreading etc. Even though lots of times she was so worn & tired, she was always cheerful, full of humor and wit. Always in spare time studying new ways to grow this plant or that.How to make medicines from herbals. Livestock care and raising. She loved her few head of cattle, the cats, the chickens and the dogs. She learned to can all types of garden produce and prepared the best picante sauce EVER made! Yep, she"s a RARE one in today"s American scene! She would probably be embarassed by the idea of her being an "Angel unaware". But if she ain"t, she"s mighty close to it! GOD, we NEED more like her !!
- Friday, October 03, 2008 at 21:57:00 (EDT)
Thanks JIM BATES for the B"DAY surprise! Jim & Diane visited Richmond, Va. and stopped by the Oakwood Cemetery where our kin Samuel J. Bates was buried. Died in 1862 of Pneumonia during the Civil War. Also visited the site of Ft. Harrison where Simeon Bates (twin brother of Simpson Bates) was killed in the battle to retake Ft. Harrison in Sept./ Oct. 1864. Simpson was my grandmother"s (Granny) dad. Really was an amazing thing locating our ancestors after such a huge lapse of time. Jim sent me photos of the sites and Robert E. Lee"s artifacts. "Bobby Lee" was an outstanding intelligent C.S.A. leader of the highest charactor one could amagine for such terrible times. Thanks "Santiago" Jim!!!
- Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 01:08:54 (EDT)
Hurricane IKE really roughed up the Texas Coast! Our WEBMEISTER from the San Leon/Houston area, Cary (Lefty) Semar lives right in the middle of the worst of it. Cary had windows blown out and water damage to his floors. His garage was blown down, smashing his pickup truck and flood damage to the truck. A total loss. Utilities are off at his home, road washed out....SO don"t expect an update on the JDBEDWELL.COM "till things improve!! While at Calliham, it was 104" today at my "Casa Del Burro". We NEED RAIN badly here! Thank you Lord, that there is no damage here!!
- Saturday, September 13, 2008 at 20:59:46 (EDT)
Well, Lefty (Cary) says I ought to be a blogger. All I know about blogs is way back when Uncle Dave had an old cow that got stuck in a quicksand blog over in the creek pasture. Had to chop out lots of limbs to back his old pickup close to where that poor cow was stuck. Aunt Unabelle waded out there with a rope to put on the cow...went too far sunk up to her ears in the dadgum blog! Anyhow uncle Dave got her out and they hooked up the cow with pickup and eazzzed her out slowly. Poor rascal looked like was made of rubber and stretched out like a dang rubber band. Got cow on dry bank, thought she was a dying sure "nuff. Took rope off. In a few minutes the old muddy, cow "snapped out of it" let out a loud bellow...jumped up CHARGED uncle Dave. Ran aunt Unabelle around a big elm tree three times! Well, that"s one tale I know about blogs.
- Saturday, September 06, 2008 at 11:13:46 (EDT)
Some interesting stories, JD. You may have a future as a "blogger!"

- Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 16:56:07 (EDT)
Calliham Photos dept. has as one of the latest pics, me demonstrating how to use a PEAR BURNER. For those who have no idea what that means: Pear is Prickly Pear cactus which grows very abundantly here. A burner is simply a blow torch that burns off the thorns so cattle can eat the juicy pads. It is a cheap(or was cheap.)This saved cattle from starving during rough times of drought or when grass and hay was not available. The REAL old days..cactus was burned over a mesquite wood fire..held bit by bit with a pitchfork over the flames. Now boys & girlies THAT IS MUY HARD WORK! Especially if you have a big bunch to feed. Mexicans did that type burning maybe still do in ol" Mexico as I speak. Later came a gasoline burner with a hand air pump on the side to give the flame some push to reach the thorns. Then years later butane was used and really made things better but really cold weather would freeze it up. Now propane is the fuel..if used at all ..but mighty high priced with the fuel shortages and modern things to foul up every things! Later mi amigos..JD
- Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 17:49:48 (EDT)
These days I get to reflecting on things long ago my brother Mike and I did.(Mike passed away Nov."007).Me being 12 years older, I tried to look after "little brother". I was taking care of a small herd of hereford cattle way out in the brush country of McMullen county. I drove out there , Mike was riding with me.He was about 7 then. I saw the herd , started calling..blowing the horn. They finally came in the big wire/post trap and into the corral. I put out some meal in a creepfeeder and lots of hay. They seemed to be contented. To give Mikey something to do I told him stand up on the pickup cab and count the herd. Which he did. He yelled "THERE"S 28 OF "EM!!" as loud as he could. They all busted loose..STAMPEDED out of there leaving a cloud of dust!!Didn"t get to even look em over that day. Another time I let him ride over there with me. Told him to stay in the truck "cause strangers scare the herd. Mikey was about 6 years old then. I walked about 50 yards in the pasture and was looking over and feeding the herd, when I saw a "pickup EXACTLY like the one I came in" running all around the brushy washed out old cow trails. I was thinking who the heck is that? You guessed was Mikey. He drove by laughing at me! Had no idea he could even drive! Sure get a kick out of the funny times we had back in the "good ol" days".
- Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 17:12:13 (EDT)
HEY, AMIGOS....Check out "Calliham Photos". Last photo...our own REAL COWGIRL...back in the saddle again out in miles & miles of green Nebraska!
- Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 23:20:08 (EDT)
Aug.10,"008 Another blazing HOT day. 103" out there now.Spent most of the morning in church. Yesterday I run into Tres Rios with a friend, ate at SUNRISE CAFE, while visiting with one of Tilden"s famous cowboy/ranchers. Back to old dry butt Calliham.THEN same friend came by and we went to Nolan Ryan"s steakhouse.It was ALL YOU CAN EAT CATFISH DAY!!! Mercy snakes!! That was GOOD GRAZIN"! Corn bread...blackeyed peas...iced tea...several other delights!! COOL in that joint tooo! But back to reality today...instant oatmeal..a Big Red soda...! Braying donkey, barking hound blazing heat..grass parched by the sun. Doorknob burns your hand getting in the casa. Think I'll take the hound on a hike in brush when it cools off. Tote my old 83 year old .38 six-shooter loaded with shotshells cause at a certain area I have killed a half dozen rattlesnake . Buenos dias amigos..Lord bless! JD
- Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 17:47:36 (EDT)
Aug,1, 2008 Went to the Jourdanton flea & tick market with my old pal, early this morning. I was amazed at the amount of vendors still setting up their wares. Two long rows of "em! Also found out soon there was very LITTLE that caught my eye! With exceptions of some fine ancient American Indian artifacts all framed up neat under glass, on felt with pretty beautiful wood. Some very rare ancient spear, knife, drills and arrow points. But since I am not a lawyer or bigshot...priced WAAAAY out of my ball park. A cowgirl with several of her little offsprings drove up with a fine ornate barrel racing saddle for sale...and a cage full of fat fuzzy full blooded blue-heeler pups to sell. I love those smart little boogers!!...BUT already have a big black mouth yellow hound that is ripping clothes off my line, chewing the seat off my ATV, and trying his best to chew into the telephone cable off the box outside my home. ( I put a bunch of cactus around it to discourage his stupid antics.) There was a cloud cover most of the 6 hours I spent at the flea & tick market, but still was a warming oven out there!! I enjoyed it anyway. Bought one of those big feed barrels with lid and found my neice some collectable ELVIS LPs.My pal sold a great amount of jars of honey! The thing starts shutting down about 12:30 noon and vendors loading up heading to the casa for relief from "muy caliente" and some frio cervaza or whatever!
- Saturday, August 02, 2008 at 15:46:10 (EDT)
Hurricane DOLLY hit the lower Texas coast Wednesday bringing lots of rain & wind. Plywood, bottled water and groceries flew off the shelves, as everyone was preparing for the worst. Lots of uprooted trees and roofs ripped off a Wal*Mart or two. Lots of folks in the valley are still without electricity. These are families already barely existing. Thursday morning it blowed and rained here.I got up off my cot and stepped in water...the water had came through the wall and had almost got to the electric cord on my old fan. A few more minutes I would have been a huge burnt burrito! Calliham area recieved an average of 2 1/2 inches BADLY needed rain! In Texas cow country it is BAD LUCK to wear a brand new pair of rubber mud boots after a rain. Cause it will not rain at all UNTIL that new pair is dried up and cracked rendering it completely useless for the next rain by sitting in the closet so long. So I had wore mine while washing off the dirt & grime from my ATV, therefore they weren"t NEW any more.I am amazed at my own SMARTNESS sometimes!
- Friday, July 25, 2008 at 12:08:42 (EDT)
J D, you better quit popin"off like that about them old "donkey apples". Parks & Wildlife might charge you about $40 just to get in and see where your old outdoor privy used to be!
Juanita D.
- Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 00:27:41 (EDT)
We had a GRAND TOTAL of 2.65 INCHES of REAL OLD FASHIONED WET RAIN in Calliham, Texas!! THANK YOU LORD! There is an old spillway or shallow creek that runs through my place and on towards the Calliham unit of Choke Canyon Park which is only visible after BIG RAINS, not wishing any bad luck to anyone...BUT hoping it will soon rain enough to float all my donkey "apples" down the line into the 90 acre lake in that park! It should just about fill the dadgum thing!
- Saturday, July 12, 2008 at 16:17:08 (EDT)
JD ! You better not sell that Hahn "45" BB pistol. Thought you gave that one to ME! I shot that old mangy stray dog in the butt, made him move outa the hay.,
- Tuesday, July 08, 2008 at 09:34:23 (EDT)
So far ONE inch total of rain. My hound barked up a rattlesnake Sunday morning by my lumber/posts pile. Shot it with the old antique .38 using shotshells I keep it loaded with. Was a great FOURTH of July FIREWORKS display put on in Calliham that night. I could see it very well from my poco rancho del burro. My same yellow hound had a terrible barking FIT every time the booming/flashing happened. He"s just a year old and never knew of such things.
- Monday, July 07, 2008 at 02:19:50 (EDT)
These are 1950s-1970s western style airguns that look like cowboy sixshooters. Check out the MOSTLY GUNS dept. on this website.
- Sunday, July 06, 2008 at 07:26:57 (EDT)
What sort of guns you talking about?
Brian R.
- Saturday, July 05, 2008 at 07:09:02 (EDT)
Had some light rain here, nice cloud cover most of the day helping keep the blazing sun at bay. I have a set of four vintage "single-action" western style (co2 & springer)pistols from the 1950s-70s in fine working order. A few minor holster wear spots and one is missing the front sight. Make me an offer. All modeled after the old 1873 Colt six-shooter!
- Thursday, July 03, 2008 at 08:19:06 (EDT)
I have only gotten ONE E-mail this MONTH in my personal mail and that was to tell me off because I nearly throw up at the mention of a Clinton or Obama. Everybody else POed also?
- Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 19:49:26 (EDT)
Got nice post card from cousin Jim Bates. Says my MULEBURRO COUNTRY non-smoking cartoons helped son Adam to quit the habit. Great to think I may have accomplished a little something. If folks would WAKE UP and realize the destruction smoking does to your heart and lungs and the misery the habit leads too, you"d HATE the stinking costly things!! My brother had quit nearly ten years ago...but the damage had been done. He died last November. A terrible loss to us all.
- Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 14:21:42 (EDT)
My neice Roxann Warren,husband Jon and their 2 1/2 year old daughter Savannah from east Texas were attending a law seminar in San Antonio for several days and come by here after the thing was over. Was really glad to see them. We took the long drive to Devine for the Saturday flea mart.Roxann got some Elvis collectables. Various knick-knack. The cafe there had new managers and our breakfast Mexicana style was MUY BUENO! Come back and dropped by the flea market in Tres Rios (Three Rivers), Jon bought a whole bunch of model railroad items for his friend back in east Texas. We had supper at Nolan Ryan"s Steakhouse. Quite a crowd there, very nice nightspot. I love that long shady porch, the rocking chairs, the old wooden Indian. The GIANT longhorn steer skull just inside. We took a tour of the Calliham unit of Choke Canyon park. I pointed out where my home, cattle pens used to be before the dam was built and where the Stephenson"s oil field pipe yard and toolhouses once existed. And lots more places that are only etched in my mind after all I had lived there nearly 40 years. But the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh.
- Monday, June 23, 2008 at 23:02:41 (EDT)
Watch it Dayton, don't mess with "The Corral."
The Webmaster
- Monday, June 23, 2008 at 19:24:27 (EDT)
Dayton, all the Wilsons raised and sold honey. Woodrow 94 is selling the stuff every day. He is often mistaken for brother Cecil or the other way around. Mighty tuff rascal being out in this 100 + heat all day at the Jourdanton flea mart with no air cond. or bathrooms just to sell a few jars of honey.
- Monday, June 23, 2008 at 00:25:45 (EDT)
JD glad to hear your cartoons are in your local paper. What did Juanita call
you? JD... Nice to know that your cartoons are in your local paper. What did
Juanita call you? A BIG "WHAT?" I think it started with an S. Real sorry
to hear about Cecil Wilson. I remember him well from back in the 70s.
Did he not have honey for sale? Send rain!

- Sunday, June 22, 2008 at 22:01:39 (EDT)
Your cartoons are in "The Progress" the newspaper of Live Oak & McMullen counties in south Texas,you BIGSHOT!
- Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 19:31:38 (EDT)
We lost a mighty fine old timer CECIL P. WILSON of Whitsett, Texas. He was 87. Always had a fine garden, a few cows & calves Was expert beeman. Always had a fine sense of humor, loved to collect indian artifacts. Leaves a wife Matilda and about a dozen dogs. Always made you welcome at his home and loaded you down big freash tomatoes, sweet corn or what ever he raised. A wonderful fellow.
- Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 14:42:56 (EDT)
Our local newspaper "The Progess" now has starting running my cartoons.
- Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 14:42:56 (EDT)
Yeah, but you LIKE me.
- Thursday, June 12, 2008 at 14:47:23 (EDT)
Look you little tejano spitfire, I don"t admire being corrected EVERY time I write a comment here!
- Sunday, June 08, 2008 at 21:37:10 (EDT)
JD, that"s not right.There was 26 people at that reunion(we call it a BATANGA) because Travis, Darla & Cliff Calliham and that Harris gal didn:t sign the guest book. Aint right way to spell that cactus either.
- Sunday, June 08, 2008 at 21:25:35 (EDT)
JD, that"s not right.There was 26 people at that reunion(we call it a BATANGA) because Travis, Darla & Cliff Calliham and that Harris gal didn:t sign the guest book. Aint right was to spell that cactus either.
- Sunday, June 08, 2008 at 21:24:08 (EDT)
June 6th,"08, My cousin Jim Bates from up Ft. Worth area along with son from Austin came by! Spent the night and eat at the SUNRISE CAFE in Three Rivers,took a tour of the Choke Canyon Park area with their mountain bikes Saturday morning. I declined to go due to sore throat caused by 4 or 5 days high winds blowing in something here during the week.Terrible cough spells etc.etc. Dont know how I hold up to a 11 1/2 miles round trip in my normal condition! Do very little bike pedaling these days. Anyhow we attended the 2008 Calliham Family Reunion about 11 am Saturday. There were 22 names listed as guests. Had lots good foods and visits. Someone was having me line up for a photo every few minutes. Turned out very good but small reunion. Unsettled weather caused electricity to go on & off several times (lights flickering). After that we drove to Pleasanton. Was some severe lightening and healthy rain near Jourdanton!We need it bad here, dreadfully dry and hot. Anyhow did some WAL*MARTING at Pleasanton.Went back to my casa del burro and shot my old Henry rifle, watched Hank Williams Jr.videos and an old Gary Cooper western. The young Bates dug up three types of cactus off my pasture to give to his girlfriend in Austin. So if Austin is one day overcome with Toshjilla (turkey pear) you"ll know who to thank.
- Sunday, June 08, 2008 at 18:56:15 (EDT)
JD, I know why those cartoon ugly men looks so sour...Hillary won the Texas primary,,heeeheee hasta manana
Juanita D.
- Wednesday, June 04, 2008 at 00:06:21 (EDT)
J T Calliham Reunion June 7,2008 at Calliham Civic Center. Calliham, Texas= BAR-B-QUE chicken brisket,tea, coffee and sodas will be furnished. Please bring your favorite sidedish or dessert. Hope to see you there! Nora Mae Bryant/Margaret Custer
M. Custer/NM Bryant
- Saturday, May 24, 2008 at 12:20:40 (EDT)
Man from Texas Parks & Wildlife called me needing help getting material for a PBS film on old Calliham. I have quite a bunch of drawings from life and from old photographs of the business places/homes etc.etc. Such as the school, Harber"s Store, post office and many more long gone places. BUT he wanted none of them and NO photos of any kinfolks or residents. He promised to let me know the date it will be shown on PBS. I know he won"t give that another thought. I have waited 10 years already for the copy of the writeup that the CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER promised me when they did their piece on Calliham. So as long as they can get something to glorify the Choke Canyon Park/lake that"s all they care about. Bring in those well to do bass fishermen to SPEND MONEY !!!
- Wednesday, May 21, 2008 at 10:40:15 (EDT)
Dayton...The undies were sky blue with little guitar designs on em..Dont think they"d fit you.
- Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 22:40:19 (EDT)
John, If that Blueheeler you once had has any offspring pups you could
probably get a good price for them. By the way, what color was the panties
and bra??

- Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 21:47:28 (EDT)
Another week bit the dust...! Got some wonderful rain!Amazing how green grass has sprung up in a short time. Hope there is a real followup on the rain and no "tear "em up " storms along with it. The preacher and wife along with 3 grandmas took the flight to Israel to hand out Holy Bibles. Wish em luck. As for me I discovered worms are already boring holes and ruining the mesquite posts I cut and put in my corral walls. If it isnt one thing its FOUR more to get your dander up ! Keeps that up it wont even be fit for firewood. My yellow hound wanders off and brings odd objects to decorate my yard. No idea whose stuff they are. There was a nice broom, a big jar of pills of some kind, a toilet brush, a hairbrush, girl"s shoe and this morning a football. Now the blueheeler I had once brought in a bra & panties...thinking someone was sunbathing, I begged him to lead me to em. But he just grinned and wagged that stubby tail. Spoil sport!!
- Sunday, May 18, 2008 at 20:55:05 (EDT)
note: An online SCAM. Not long ago I got a new laptop and a new eMail address.For a short while I had blessed relief from spam...then a pop up come on claiming I was the BIG WINNER of the hour!!! Had my choice of $500 Wal*Mart card, a similar Target card and several more great sounding prizes. Just simply fill out the questionaire about what kinda products and services I liked. I did this...BUT when it came to typing in the state where I am located...the letters kept disapearing from the line I typed it in. I did it over & over to no avail. Therefore "...not qualified as winner with unfinished survey....". I got a real PRIZE alright...within the hour tons of damnable annoying email SPAMS have been flooding in non-stop! So dont fall for that kinda of lying aint getting a free hoss apple from Wally*World or anyone else!!
- Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 08:29:10 (EDT)
Yeah, WHO was it that brung you the flour tortillas and deerburger meat??
- Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 17:43:25 (EDT)
Hey Sportsfans!!! The Annual Calliham Family Reunion is galloping closer ever day! JUNE 7th, at the Calliham Community bldg. Lets try to keep this thing a-going (as Buddy Holly sang "....not fade away....") Bring some drinks & twinkies or whatever. Also want to thank Clyde, Pat, Fay, Roxanne & Trevia for all the e-mail TAGGED things in effort to cheer me up I suspose. I know my brother is in a lot better place right now. He wasnt perfect. We ALL did some rotten things growing into maturity. I know he was SAVED, he was a mighty fine man.
- Saturday, May 10, 2008 at 17:37:29 (EDT)
Durn Tootin we miss Mike. Just like we miss Roy, Ecil, Rosabelle, Glennie, Emily, JD's mom and dad and my dad.

Cactus Kid (
- Wednesday, May 07, 2008 at 22:45:22 (EDT)
MORE RAIN IN CALLIHAM !! What a blessed relief! I have been having to wear a big brim hat because if I fell in one of those deep hat would be on top of the ground to mark where to find me. The pastor of the non-denom Calliham Church and three grandmothers have raised enough funds to go on their missionary trip to Israel and hand out Bibles to save as many souls as they can. Pretty brave thing to do in these CRAZY times we live in!! Has been six months since my brother Mike passed away. Every time I read about a new "old West" style shooting iron being re-made or get some rare old gun in a trade...can"t wait to tell him or ask if he ever heard of such & such. Usually he"d say "Oh yeah, there was a couple of booths in the big Dallas gun show that had a bunch of them..." Or maybe he"d say " Saw a few of them at that Tulsa show last year...almost traded for one but Hell I didn"t need another 32-20...." Then when one of our old owlhoot pals gets in a jam or dies, I cant wait to tell Mike. But I cant tell him or anyone, just another day at the "salt mines", but I have still got lots to be thankful for. Just saw on the news where a cyclone blew away thousands of homes and killed thousands in some third world country. That could have been me there but it wasn"t.
- Tuesday, May 06, 2008 at 15:06:02 (EDT)
Had a 1.5" rain Friday night! The biggest in the last 6 months! Took off with a friend to a different flea mart further away this time. Not a whole lot of booths or vendors this time. The nice cafe was shut down and some men cooked up tacos out of a tiny trailer. Was afraid I would get terrible sick if I indulged in their wares. Didn"t SMELL maybe they were cooking up ROAD-KILL! Lady was trying her best to sell some fancy holster/cartridge belts she had made. Lots od hard work went into building the things...BUT gosh darn, belts were about 4 or 5 inches wide with dozens of metal studs set in as western decorations. Double HUGE holsters that hung LOW..! Guess if you wanted to look like an nearly Roy Rogers or Buck Jones they might suit you fine. Those of us old country boys that still pack a pistol in the cow pastures to pop rattlers dont really want to look like a dang Hollywood B movie gunfighter. At least I don"t anyways. I bought an antique Daisy BB gun from the 1950s for $2 from the lady.Won"t work but a good display wall decorator. Had nice visits with some old friends there. of em brought along a TV and VCR . Had it playing a video of GIRLS SHOOTING AUTOMATIC GUNS..or something to that effect name. Seems they were way out in the desert...wearing almost NOTHING but about postage stamp sized BIKINIS! Needless to report there were quite a few of us old geezers crowding around "checking out the quality of the video...". I think it passed inspection. My friend I went with sold lots of his stuff. Bought a couple dozen homegrown eggs..I bought a book full of photos of ancient Egyptian mummies & treasures. It was off on the looooong drive back home to Calliham, Texas...
- Sunday, April 27, 2008 at 20:03:52 (EDT)
Note:Attention-- JIM (Santiago)Bates---I have been saving an item related to the Mexican American War for you!! So if you are ever this way, drop by veijo hombre!
- Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 14:27:40 (EDT)
Note: We had 2 burials of kinfolks in the Calliham cemetery yesterday (Saturday).One was Mark Bertram age 99 and Frances Murdock in her 50s. Daughter of Helen Ruth (Gazaway)and the late Elde Buetow. Was quite large number of people attending. Bill Gazaway gave a very good eulogy of Mr. Betram.
- Sunday, April 20, 2008 at 21:21:24 (EDT)
Another week in the dry Free State of McMullen county has passed. By dry I mean that about 6 months ago the fawcett shut off and barely any rain since. But we"re used to that. Used to it but don"t like it! Sunday we had the Church Fund FISH FRY at the Calliham community bldg. It was a good "un. Some city slicker out of San Antonio won the homemade quilt. Speaking of San Antonio...I rode up there yesterday with a man & wife to see his doctor. It was still part of the morning traffic rush when we got there. My ol" country pal was extremely nervous driving in that madhouse ocean of vehicles. Learnt one thing..dont DARE sneeze or break wind, he may sure "nuff flip the car or run through a building, he was so nervous dealing with the millions of moving automobiles. They were just like a big fireant mound when you stir em up.Zillions of em moving to and fro! We got to the huge medical complex and had to sit at least SIX HOURS looking at all the dull city people modern magazines till the appointment was done. Think my butt got big as a lawyer"s sitting so much! But tell you one thing..Ol" San "tone still has lots of beautiful friendly mexican gals! There was some real dandies in that waiting room! Anyhow we had to drive back in the evening mad rush home from work hour. Another ocean of shiny new cars, trucks, motorcyles thick as seed ticks in east Texas! Ran into Wal*Mart in Pleasanton grabbed some groceries and such in a hurry, We were tired and it was late. This morning found out I forgot the oatmeal BUT didn"t forget that new Tejano CD! We seen 2 BIG bobcats and lots of deer along the way from the Alamo city>
- Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 10:39:29 (EDT)
I am told e-mails sent to me have been bouncing back to the senders. I have no idea why, but am sorry. Keep on trying please.
- Sunday, April 06, 2008 at 15:05:23 (EDT)
JD it"s EMILIO NAVAIRA. The right way to spell! Why you no listen ?
Juanita D.
- Thursday, April 03, 2008 at 22:18:04 (EDT)
Busy week in this neck o" the woods...BIG riot at the federal prison just a few miles from me. I could hear the rukus, the sirens clearly from my old camp ground. Radio said 23 prisoners were hauled to hospitals for beatings and stab wounds. One prisoner was killed. Very tense bad situation when gangs fight each other. Another news item: Popular Tejano singer Emilio Navariro (hope I spelled his name correctly.) crashed his huge tour bus into barrels along the highway. The impact threw him out and severly injured his head. Last I heard he was had two brain operations and is in critical condition. Wednesday he was able to move his legs and open his eyes. All his loved ones and family are praying their hardest for his full recovery! A fine entertainer who was numerer uno male performer same time Selena was numerer uno female singer. He raised many thousands of dollars for the needy organizations. I truly hope he has a full recovery.
- Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 22:59:37 (EDT)
Gracias JD for puting a drawing of me in this weeks cartoon. See ya at the cafe!
Juanita D.
- Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 07:25:38 (EDT)
Adding this to the comments below: There has been huge amounts of fishermen in trucks pulling boats going through Calliham to Choke Canyon Lake for the fishing contests.Starting way before daylight it is a constant roar of em going by. Seems like a big contest every week end ! Today there was a louder roar... seems some motorcycle club was out in full force. Boy howdy, it was a WHOLE BUNCH of em !! I grabbed my ol" Winchester thinking it was Marlon Brando and the WILD ONES up to no good !
- Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 17:47:13 (EDT)
Buenos dias ! Been slow days. No earth shattering adventures lately...! Went to the flea mart but just got my neice some old Elvis LPs for her collection. We had lots of pickin" & grinnin" at the Calliham church sunday. Denny Stevenson"s two sons and a grandson played guitars and a banjo and did a mighty fine job singing some old gospel songs. The church was packed ! We had several days of very high winds. We were under a tornado watch one night. Just got a tiny bit of rain here. I voluntered my time watering the old cemetery and chopping a few big mesquite limbs. Been watching my cousin break a little mare for riding. She is mighty spooky and hope cousin dont get hurt on the rascal. She dumped him off a few days ago. 30 years ago when we got bucked or knocked off we jumped back on. Now we just lay there HURTING ! Oh, yeah I sent a "flea mart" surprise to DiAnna (Real Cowgirl). She should be getting it about now .....Bueno suerte amigos!
- Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 17:06:34 (EDT)
Randy Right now I have no memmory of such cartoon, if I could see the article that sparked it I might. I know my brother had a write up about our shetland mare "Queenie" in the WESTERN HORSEMAN about that time.Lots of muddy water has run down the creek since that time ! Sorry for your loss in the family. My folks are gone, my neice & nephew seem to get about as far away as they can. But I love "em ...
- Monday, March 03, 2008 at 08:28:05 (EST)
J.D. Just a note to let you know "it's a small world". A couple of weeks ago, my Dad passed away. It was a blessing because he is no longer in pain. Well, this week-end Carol and I were cleaning out the old farmhouse and I ran across a letter in all the old photos(my weakness)and there was a Johnny Bedwell cartoon from 1963 you had mailed to my brother. His picture was in Westner Horseman. A 9 year old on a black mare named "Tarbaby". I was a little suprised.
Hope all is well.

Randy Bedwell
- Sunday, March 02, 2008 at 22:12:31 (EST)
Buenos dias amigos! Check out the FLASH GRANDPAW videos...they are in color...with SOUND ! Takes a while to download but they are a HOOT ! TURN UP THE SOUND!
- Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 08:53:32 (EST)
Sold that wheelchair already. Bought antique gun! jd
- Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 19:02:29 (EST)
Got an EMAIL from Janene Russell, one of our REAL COWGIRLS in Nebraska. Says she "Sure miss that south Texas"s miserable icey cold here..and seems to be NO END to it!". I told her "Yep, we"re having a cold snap right now as I speak....gonna be 74" today !"Dont think she saw the humor in that...anyhow she then says "I REALLLY miss good old MEXICAN FOOD..carne guisada, flour tortillas and a whole bunch of em I cant spell ! I want REAL south Tex-Mex food!!..Not some durn white people"s attempt at it !" She says ol" Dolly the cow keeps the fridge full of milk at all times, T-Bone the white faced bully calf gets his share...and she has three milk customers coming by often for milk ! PLUS Janene has been making homemade cheese! ( Bet that's mighty tasty!) Next time I am in the SUNRISE CAFE in Three Rivers, Texas, ordering a hot steamy bowl of chili and flour tortillas...I "ll be thinking of you,,Janene ,,JD
- Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 20:13:00 (EST)
Howdy sportsfans! I have a nice wheel chair I need to sell or trade. It is in fine shape and of the big wheel type. Easier to go up or down steps, stairs etc.. contact me
- Friday, February 15, 2008 at 15:53:55 (EST)
Sorry for your loss Pat. Best wishes to you and family.
- Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 07:02:30 (EST)
Hey guys. I thought I should update you since I've been so long in silence. My dear friend and roommate passed away January 15th following complications after a stroke in May. He was put into a nursing home and very quickly went downhill from there. My family (sisters and mom) is doing well. I am having a memorial for my friend this Friday evening so I can have some closure since I missed the funeral.Since his family took over and had the body taken to Mississippi I was really unable to go for several reasons. Mike would want me to have some closure so I'm holding a memorial/wake.
Patrick Calliham
- Monday, February 11, 2008 at 23:54:54 (EST)
Hello Dayton....Lands "o mercy! THERE IS SOMEONE OUT YONDER !!!....and more great gems of wisdom!! Yep, they must be lots more folks in the old world these here days...just go down and camp near the Rio Grande with some hi-power all see thousands of em crossing that ol" river all day & night.
- Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 19:01:47 (EST)

- Sunday, February 10, 2008 at 15:46:48 (EST)
Aw, surely someone out there has heard of "BAMA apple butter ? IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE ?
- Monday, February 04, 2008 at 08:58:12 (EST)
Very high winds yesterday, tin started peeling off on roof. Had to borrow ladder and get up there with hammer and nails.North wind so high didnt get to finish the south side..didnt care to be blown off on top of clothesline and rocky hard ground. Ate can of beans, got some kind of food poison. Still feel draggy. Like an old timer told me years ago "Life is grand...if you dont weaken! Also he liked to say " Strange thing..there is more people dying today...that never did die before...". Boy howdy..them is some real gems of wisdom. I might mention I should have spelled the joke punchline below this way ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION.Think that is mo" better..
- Friday, February 01, 2008 at 14:37:39 (EST)
Howdy viewers, just thought I"d check in. High wind here most of the day so far. Ol Lefty (the political guru of the family) tells me all those primaries, caucases and debates going on has made him sick. So he hauled himself off to see the doc. Doc told him he was done caught the ailment going around that mostly those that keep their eyes and ears attuned to current political news WWWAAAY too much ! The ailment is called "ELECTIAL DYSFUNCTION". So I suggest one should just watch some old Roy Rogers or Hopalong Cassidy movies to clear your mind...make ya feel sooo much better !
- Thursday, January 31, 2008 at 15:52:39 (EST)
Sunday Jan. 20th Gorgeous sunny day with lots of small clouds. Am back from sunday school and church service. For me living in a 1960s trailer house..and a drafty one, it has been a miserable last few cold nights. Spent many hours hovering over a burner on the propane store and pouring down lots of hot decaf-coffee. But in Texas the weather usually changes before one can get up a good gripe about it!! Didnt go very far this week to have much to write about. Did get an email from one of our REAL COWGIRLS, Janene in Nebraska. Says they are are busy as a two tailed cat in a room full of rockers. Also sent me a big photo of her new day old bull calf which she named "T Bone". Hope the little fella dont grow up with a personality complex being named a FOOD ! How would you like to be named BRISKET?? Anyhow might glad to hear from the fine little gal. Also gat a card from another Nebraska REAL COWGIRL, Dianna, thanking me for the little Christmas gift I had sent. She likes to call me "Ol COOT". I dont care what they call me just call me when the frijoles and flour tortillas are being served! Got to go feed the donkey and get ready to hover over the gas burner on the stove again tonight...adios los hombres!
- Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 16:12:52 (EST)
Jan 13,08 Howdy faithful viewers ! Froze my behind off again at the flea mart in Jourdanton friday morning. First thing I heard and saw was a Mexican boy pulling a tiny homemade wagon trying to sell cold soda waters. Hell, I wanted HOT COFFEE !! Place was packed with vendors sellin (or hoping to sell)all manner of mostly barn junk. Lots of imported knives & tools, a few old 22 cal. rifles....priced outlandishly high. Man had very fine framed arrowheads, mule deer and whitetail deer heads. Some good old and a BRAND NEW saddle for sale along with the tack. Still no bathrooms, no breakfast tacos to be had. Lots of good books. I bought a H.W. Caylor frontier artist picture book. Which is very good. Get CHINA makes spurs that look like old Mexico antiques and old west styles of cowboy spurs. Reminds me I bought a pair of rough out western roper boots at Wal*Mart under the BRAHMA small print on box back had MADE IN CHINA.Last year ordered a felt western hat from Sportsmans Guide.Had OUTBACK OUTFITTERS brand name. Printed inside crown is MADE IN CHINA . A couple months ago bought a smaller sized camp axe at the Farmers CO-Op in Three Rivers, Texas...had MADE IN CHINA stamped where barely see it on blade !What in tarnation ever happened to good ol" U S A CRAFTSMANSHIP ?? BEATS ALL I EVER STEPPED IN!!!
- Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 16:09:00 (EST)
Jan.6th, 2008 This "one Ton Tommy" cartoon came eaisly I was riding my ATV to the post office. Saw my cousin had a huge ol" boy sitting on his filly while my cousin held it head to keep it from jumping or bucking. Having his leg broke in 2 places awhile back cousin was leery about getting on an unbroken animule! ( He"d lost severa; months of work due to the broke leg.) As for myself...I want an "retired" mature good ol" ranch hoss to get back in the saddle again to play cowboy, before my old saddle gets et up by the bugs or dries up and cracks apart! Dont care for one that runs away and leaves my head and neck in the fork of a nesquite. Or when riding by other animules in some one"s yard or lot....goes hawgwild trying to impress or fight em for no good reason....not even noticing a six strand barbwire fence between him & them. "nother words I want a health OLD PLUG !
- Sunday, January 06, 2008 at 15:40:21 (EST)
Hi David Nice to hear from you. I remember WAAAAAY back when I was in the first grade at the old Calliham school ( about "49) seeing 2 or 3 old donkeys come running out of the cactus & mesquite brush and stopping by the school yard fence looking around then running off. Bet you anything one of em was old Sparkplug who with the others had run wild and lived off the land(and people"s gardens) for many years. Take care and drop by sometime !!
- Wednesday, January 02, 2008 at 13:21:32 (EST)
sometime i look through the photos. lorry i don't communicate with you all more. you are all in my memory though. anyway the photograph of dave calliham and mrs. herman 1906- 1929. the donkeys name was sparkplug.real important stuff you know.
talk to you all later.

+david henry calliham
- Wednesday, January 02, 2008 at 09:50:49 (EST)
Here"s hoping all have a HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Dont think I seen a soul all Christmas eve and Christmas day...but my dog and old donkey. I chopped lots of mesquite posts those days or around that time. Been revamping my old corral to look like an early Texas style pen like grandad had. Then we had an electrical power outage/surge that messed up my computer. So being ignorant of such hightech stuff I called a number in the newspaper that brought a gal out to my house. She knew how to get the dang rascal perculating again muy pronto ! Turns out she is the grandaughter of a cowman (now deceased)I used to work for in the 90s. She brought me a freshly cooked cassorole...and I gave her some frozen deer meat. So that was good. A few days ago the sky was all dark in the was a huge grass & brushfire in Atascosa county. This must have been near 30 miles from me but could be seen very well. Then today there was another wildfire in that county destroying many tons of round bales of hay. Talk to youall later...jd
- Sunday, December 30, 2007 at 19:08:44 (EST)
GREAT to hear from you , Randy & Carol!! I hated to leave our old "rancho" on the Frio. That was my '9/11' in 1976. Cause that was the date I had to officially give up and go so the dam builders could build Choke Canyon dam & Park. I believe the Lord has such wonderful things for those who love him when they leave this world. I hope there are some fast quarter horses there and great green pastures with clear water running creeks and rivers with 40 pound catfish just a hopping on your line and a pretty Mexican cowgirl cooking em for me !!
- Monday, December 24, 2007 at 16:26:27 (EST)
Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas to you and yours. We're on our way to Lamesa to have the final Christmas at the old farm. In a few weeks, my parents are going to a nursing home. My dad has lived on that place all of his life (81 years_)and he and my mom for 60 years. It will be a little sad but we are blessed to have had years of great family Christmas'.

I wish to express our sorrow upon hearing about Mike and wishing you a better New Year.
From Randy & Carol Bedwell

Randy Bedwell
- Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 22:57:29 (EST)
Sincerly hoping all the viewers have a fine Christmas, knowing its not all about some red-nosed reindeer, some characters named Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Santa Claus and not about some Nutcracker stage play( I reckon if I danced around hopping to & fro in skin tight tights...I might crack my....well never mind..) Its not all about driving 6,000 miles ( on $3.00 a gallon gas!) to see grandma or uncle Woodrow, although thats not a bad thing. Its a celebration of our wonderful Lord"s birthday !! He is the ONE who came down to this crazy world to suffer the most horrible painful death to save our poor selfish souls from millions of years in a firey furnace! Who could be a greater friend than that ? Jesus is the reason for the season !!!
- Sunday, December 23, 2007 at 18:21:26 (EST)
Beautiful Saturday morning, nice cool breeze. A few days ago I went with some friends to SHORTY"S STEAKHOUSE for a belated birthday party for Maurice Shenkir, a former Calliham good ol" boy. A mighty fine fellow too! Shorty has three of these westerrn style eating places here in south Texas. This one has a double-barrel shotgun on the wall....with about 5 foot long barrels on the thing! Would like to know the wild story behind it ...! Even got to meet Shorty himself...a rather short rancher type in silver belly stetson and old style "Booger Red" duckin" brush jacket. I ordered the chicken fried steak and it was the best I "ve chowed down on in a coon"s age !! Great food and company. Wonderful to visit with Maurice & Elaine and Mary (Maurice"s sister) and husband Herman Smith. Got email questionarres from Patrick & Fay. My password dosent seen to click with the thing so that is why I didnt respond to the thing. Catch ya later..tarde amigos JD
- Saturday, December 15, 2007 at 10:20:03 (EST)
Dayton, it was my fault. I sent out the update from Santa Fe using my laptop and I had an old copy of the distribution on that machine.
- Sunday, December 09, 2007 at 22:26:32 (EST)
JD. Looks like you have a lot of luck going to the tick/flee markets..
And even better on the road home. Haven't talked to you
in a while. I did not get your web page last week. I guess it is
Lefty"s fault? God Bless You.

- Sunday, December 09, 2007 at 21:24:58 (EST)
Dec.4th, 007: MYSTERY of the VHS movies SOLVED....It was Barbi. Just got e-mail photo from neice Roxanne in Gilmer, Texas. Some ol" boy killed a wild hog that weighs over 800 lbs. Turn a couple of them rascals loose in a Wal*Mart and in 15 minutes it will look like a war zone !
- Tuesday, December 04, 2007 at 11:58:42 (EST)
Sunday Dec. 2nd, 007 I have just come in from church services/ monthly dinner and found a huge amount of VHS movies on my little porch. Who left them here ?
- Sunday, December 02, 2007 at 14:51:45 (EST)
Dec. 1, 2007 As I stated before , my brother Mike passed away on Nov. 6th. John Michael, his son in the Army and family flew in from Korea for the funeral. They had stayed several weeks with his mother and sister Roxanne in east Texas. The other night John Michael and family were driving Mike"s Jeep Cherokee when a drunk driver with 3 kids ran in their lane hitting them hard almost head on. Flipped the Jeep Cherokee three times landing up side down. Totaling both vehicles. John Michael"s wife had facial cuts and broken finger, of course they were well tramatized. Thank God for seat belts !! The drunk was arrested and I hope he stays locked up for 10 years !! I could show him some more things I can do with my old fencing pliers and he SURE WONT LIKE EM ! A miracle no one was killed.I sure dont want to go to any more funerals of loved ones for a long long time!!
- Saturday, December 01, 2007 at 18:26:54 (EST)
Nov. 30, 2oo7 Spent the day at the Jourdanton flea mart. DID NOT EAT any tacos there...2 weeks ago I got food posioned...enough of that misery !Was lucky found a couple collectable old cowboy capguns. Got em rather cheap. Got interesting stories on the large bunch of indian artifacts my friend from Pearsall has ammasssed. I resisted temptation to buy a nice 12 gauge birdgun he has for sale. It was a long day and there was an amazing amount of vendors with their "goodies" hoping to sell. I donated a pile of DVD & VHS movies to a Mexican pastor for him to raise money by selling stuff.A very fine fellow. I bought my neice a (reprint) of a 1956 Elvis in PERSON poster. On the way back we found a huge blue tarp on the great condition.Also a blue cloth table cloth on a different part of the country.I enjoyed the day it was cool for a change...but still no bathrooms !!!
- Saturday, December 01, 2007 at 16:37:51 (EST)
To Hugh Bodey "Cowboy /Indian 1894". Sounds to me like you should look at the items more closely before bidding. According to what you wrote, that old rifle is missing the whole firing pin assembly, the stock is in poor warped condition. A person is supposed to adjust the sights NOT bend the stock to allign the sights to hit the target. Since there is no brand name or model left on the gun, it would be almost impossible to get replacement parts. It might be you just have not found the printing on the gun yet. I think someone long ago had taken the firing pin assembly off so their kids would not have an accident if they got hold of it. There are lots of gun done that way...and the assembly is lost through time. A nice wall hanger any way. Best of luck Hugh.
- Wednesday, November 28, 2007 at 08:44:20 (EST)
This is an excerpt from an e mail my brother sent me several days before his passing away. " Yep, dreams are weird sometimes. The amount of detail usually astounds me. Creaking of bthe floorboards; the smelling of ozone in the air from an approaching storm; the texture and color of paints, the coolness of concrete against skin, the sensory perceptions we constantly record are evidently stored in our memories forever, just waiting for an appropriate to summon them forward. Lts fascinating and kind of spooky. I remember a dream several months ago where I was back in my boyhood bedroom listening to the night sounds. I could hear crickets and spring frogs; Donald"s old sputtering powerhouse etc. Then I heard your old Dodge pickup coming up the gravel hill from the highway. The sound of its engine was very identifiable. I listened as you approached. I could hear every pothole and the exact tone of the ringing pipes of the cattleguards made as you crossed them. It was like a time machine. Strange indeed...."
- Monday, November 26, 2007 at 00:42:21 (EST)
JD, I went to an antique mall Friday, saw a little .22 rifle
that I thought I ought to have. It is 38" long, from stem to stern. Single shot breech loader. Some unique features on this little piece: Octagonal Barrel, quite a fancy, iron trigger guard, and the stock, I thought at first, was warped - but then I saw it was made that way. When you put it up to sight it, it is in exact proper alignment with your right eye (wouldn't be good for a left hander)! I really like it!
There is something missing besides the trigger spring, as the hammer would never reach the cartridge to discharge it.
Also, the hammer has a large, flat nose on it - but with marks that indicate it has struck a separate firing pin - which, of course, is what is missing. There is a hinged strap like thingamabobb right there, but the rest is gone.
No name or numbers on it anywhere. The stock is one piece,
in excellent condition, but painted a terrible color which can't be original - so that paint will be removed! The checkering has almost all worn off of it - doesn't appear to have been cut very deep in the first place. Oh, yes - the front sight is either brass or copper - can't really tell until I get it cleaned up a bit - which will be after Christmas, as I am far too busy with the airguns to mess with it now.
If Mike were here, he probably could have told me something about this little rifle - but I've never seen one like it before. Got it pretty cheap, too! I offered the seller half of what he was asking for it - but he'd only cut it down by 1/3rd. No shipping, so I bought it. Cowboy

Two Silver Fox/Cowboy 1894
- Monday, November 26, 2007 at 00:33:27 (EST)
Here is a portion of an e mail from my brother Mike dated Oct. 29th. "07 "...I had a great time Saturday afternoon and evening helping Jon and Roxy with Savannah. The city of Gilmer had a big Halloween celebration on the courthouse square for the area kids. All the merchants and civic organizations, churches etc.had booths where the kids come in their costumes and get free candy and have wholesome games and stuff. Of course Jon and Roxanne had to work at their respective organizations booths. So I got to take Savannah around and help her get her little trick or treat bag filled.She was dressed up like the puppet character Elmo and she just wore me out leading me all over the place. Shes talking real well now and whenever I didn"t move fast enough to suit her, she"d yank my arm and say "Come on, Granpa, come on!" She can spot a puppy a half mile away and has to try to make friends with everyone she sees. She is completely facisinated by bubbles and I bet we spent 20 minutes letting bubbles blow in her face. I am really thankful the Lord has allowed me to live long enough to spend some time with my little grandchildren. I hope He lets me spend more time with them before I cash it in...."
- Friday, November 23, 2007 at 12:22:16 (EST)
Please excuse my typing/spelling errors in the comments, if I don"t type fast .t seem to go offline and the goofy thing shuts down.
- Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 09:23:58 (EST)
Those who knew Mike will enjoy a portion of an e mail he sent me on Oct. 17, -07 "...I remember the big oak and cottonwood treeson the (Frio ) riverbottoms, with spanish moss, but probably only a portion of what was there when you were little. I remember that big cottonwood that had Granny"s name carved on it. And I remember it was hit by lightning during a big storm and it made an enormous noise like a cannon when it blew apart. Once I walked with Granny down to the river bottom and helped her cut wild greens. She carried a big roaster and butcher knife and she showed me which plants were collard greens, which was polk salad, wild turnip greens, she cut and gathered them. It was mid afternoon whenever we made the trip and we walked upon 2 or 3 turkeys feeding on the same greens we came after. They flew away as we approached. I said something about wanting to shoot one of bthose turkeys. She told me if I ever shot one to be sure it was dead before I grabbed its feet. Of course I forgot that advice by the tme, some time later I finally did shoot one of the critters with Daddy"s old shotgun which knocked a big gobbler flat from a pretty good distance. Two or three others flew off from the shot. Naturally I was all excited and I ran up grabbed the big bird"s enormous feet and tried to pick him up. He was probably as big as I was and awful heavy. When ever I got his legs streched out he suddenly came alive and started beating me stupid with his giant wings. I didn"t know what was in hell was happening. He was slapping the crap out of me, making all kinds of noise slinging blood and s--- allmover me. Scared me half to death ! I finally let him go and he flew off in one direction and I run the other. Man, that was horrifying and the worse part was I couldn"t even tell anybody for fear Daddy would bust my ass for taking the gun out !.." Mike was 6 or 7 years old then.
- Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 09:13:03 (EST)
Granny Calliham on Randi Rhodes Website
- Saturday, November 17, 2007 at 21:25:47 (EST)
Sorry to hear about Mike's passing. I know it will leave a hole in your life, J.D. It did me when my brother Ed died. But you will get through it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Mike's family.
Patrick Calliham
- Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 12:13:25 (EST)
My heart is on the ground! - I have good thoughts and memories concerning brother Mike. The John Wayne picture he sent to me years ago has always had a prominent place in my "Cowboy" display room - now it will be positioned a little higher. I know God has a place for him there in Heaven, and I'll visiting him in the not too distant future. I'm praying now for comfort for Mike's family left here on this earth.
Two Silver Fox/Cowboy 1894
- Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 11:18:21 (EST)
Thanks Fern. We have also lost Jimmy Custer and Bill Stendebach from our list of kinfolks the last few months. I might add that Mike"s wife Carol needs LOTS of prayers to get through this ordeal.
- Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 09:16:30 (EST)
OH! J.D. I am so sorry to just now hear about Mike. You have my sympathies. I am just so shocked by this. Too many with so many talents are leaving us, too early! It is hard, but you'll make it.
Mary Fern Pitman
- Monday, November 12, 2007 at 20:43:58 (EST)
Fay: Mike had the massive heart attack in 97 or 98. So he had health problems every since and tried to keep them in check. He died in bed at his home. His wife Carol discovered him being deceased about 8 am that morning. It was a quite large funeral with many giving testimonials on his fine sense of humor and solid Christian charactor.His working days in city politics, his career as a newspaper columnist and artist. His family life and excellent gunsmithing talents.
- Sunday, November 11, 2007 at 20:04:14 (EST)
JD, I am sorry to hear of Mike's passing. Was it sudden,or had he been ill?
Our sympathy is with you and Mike's family.

Virginia Fay Clark
- Sunday, November 11, 2007 at 14:35:58 (EST)
My brother Mike Bedwell"s Visitation will be Friday 7-9 PM . Funeral/burial Sat.3 PM Nov.10th. Croley Funeral Home, Gladewater, Texas.
- Friday, November 09, 2007 at 01:45:49 (EST)
I regret to inform my friends and kinfolks that my brother Mike has passed away last night at his home in Gladewater, Texas. I have not as of yet gotten any information on the services etc.etc. I am in a state of shock right now so will wind this up.
J D Bedwell
- Tuesday, November 06, 2007 at 11:56:30 (EST)
FINALLY....someone that"s a WORST SPELLER than I am !!
- Tuesday, November 06, 2007 at 04:30:58 (EST)
J.D. Proably was not the Tacos that game you the...."s. Bet it was the water.
This is the only way I can communite with you. Your email does not work

- Sunday, November 04, 2007 at 20:13:29 (EST)
nother Friday flea mart. day on the hwy between Jourdanton & Pleasanton, Texas. It was cold as a frog"s butt on an iceberg about 5 am, had to put on that fancy black leather motorcycle jacket I had brought there to sell.(mid-life crisis?) My friend the arrowhead/relic dealer just came by for a looksee and didnt have his stuff set up. left shortly. No tall Nebraska cowgirl this time either. Tons of greatfruit, oranges & sugar cane from the valley was for sale. A man was selling out his tin sign business. Must of had 500 different tin signs. Movie stars, famous cars, western B movie stars like John Wayne, Gene Autry and just about everyone. I hit the jackpot !!!In the huge assortment was a tin sign with an old poster from about 1954 of a young Elvis . "The Elvis Presley Show..starring IN PERSON Elvis Presley...with an all-star cast...matinee and night shows,,,," etc.etc. All this was printed on a tin sign. That photo of Elvis was printed on tee shirts and in magazines a million times back in my ducktail gresasy teenage years. I got the sign for my neice in east Texas. She is an avid collector of the famed rockabilly. Got home late this evening with a touch of food poisoning ! It was rough going..till I ...well, you can guess. Wont buy tacos from that gal ANY MORE !!
- Friday, November 02, 2007 at 22:34:26 (EDT)
In reply to comment below: Don"t think I want the job counting the number of hornets it took to waste a bullmoose !That toooo close !! Reminds me of the riddle : How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood ? For folks living in south Texas not tooo far from Beeville and planning a birthday,wedding anniv. party or a "won the lotto...and want to have a slambang goodtime party" or whatever call Sam & La Martina ( La Suerte) for some really good music. Country or Tejano. phone: 361-354-5578 or 361-876-1483
- Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 19:19:35 (EDT)
JD...just how many hornets you reckon it takes to kill a bull moose? I bet it's a big number. -Banjo
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Monday, October 22, 2007 at 13:39:36 (EDT)
Mercy sakes, its Oct. 20th already ! Thursday night I could see a violent lightning storm going on many miles east to south east of here, that lasted for several hours. Hope there was no injury to homes or folks. I had been chopping mesquite posts in my pasture. Couldn"t believe my eyes... there about 4 ft. up a tree is a huge ( about 2 foot diameter)gray ball attached to a limb is a hornets nest with thousands of the rascals allover and in it. as it may be still in constuction. Now if my big mammoth donkey KC decides to scratch his bony butt on that will be his last scratch ! There are enough there to kill a bull moose !! Got to the flea mart just before daybreak...huge number of vendors had set up shelters, parked loaded pickups to sell from the beds et.etc. Some had big pumpkins all lined up and other garden produce. Colorful birds in cages. Lots of imported fancy knives. My friend had his native honey on the endgate ready to sell. The dealer in framed indian arrowheads had a large selection to choose from..if you are quite wealthy and want to decorate the office walls. Anyhow it soon turned off blazing hot after a nice cool early morning. Got aquainted with a good looking six foot tall former Nebraska cowgirl who had some clothes to sell to past the time. She gave me a sack of her homemade cookies and we had a great time swapping stories of our adventures with horses, mishaps and so on and comparing the personal traits of mules with cowponies etc.etc. Really a great gal with a fantastic sense of humor! Anyhow I did some swapping with a fellow and come home with a large antique six-shooter. It was found in the wall of an old old building, looks somewhat like an old British Webley. Can barely read the inscription on top of barrel..anybody ever hear of a "M L Pike" revolver patented in 1887 ? I dont have my arrowheads any more...JD
- Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 16:40:02 (EDT)
(correction: it is AQUA VERDE CROSSING and the title of the fine CD is Jim Wilson BORDER BRAVO .)
- Tuesday, October 16, 2007 at 18:54:31 (EDT)
Hey its me again. Thought I would mention that my brother sent me a B"day/souvenier from the big DALLAS GUN SHOW a few weeks ago. It is an autographed music CD from none other than Sheriff Jim Wilson. For those who don"t know, he is one of the top writers/editors of SHOOTING TIMES magazine. This ol" boy is the real McCoy as a westerner! He knows the desert southwest/the Big Bend and all the desert haunts of the modern day renegade law breakers like old time rangers of the 1880s!! I was surprised as all getout when I played his CD... there are great songs such as AGUA VERDE CROSSING, Blue Mountains of Mexico,Evangelina and The Old Borunda Cafe and about 9 more fine songs ! This is GOOD LISTENING pardner !!!
- Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 20:24:33 (EDT)
Buenos dias ! Mercy sakes, the week went muy pronto .My little wheelin" & dealin" got me a framed/under glass collection of arrowheads.Not commanche or kiowa this time but some mighty OLD points from ALGERIA . Took a trip with Herman & Mary Smith up Jourdanton/Pleasantion way. Saw my new doctor. We hit the Wal*Mart Supercenter. Got a weeks supply of vittles, No new Diana Reyes CDs to be had, DARN IT! Love that gorgeous singing gal!!!! Couldn"t resist buying one of them straw hats on sale for $3 ! Our REAL COWGIRL Dianna Tobiasson had a BIRTHDAY on the 8th!! She now works 13 hour days at the grain elevator there in Nebraska ! She can thank Heaven she has a good mom that likes to babysit little Heath, her son. Well, I gotta go look like I am doing something right or wrong....cause I might just fire ME ! Lord bless all. JD
- Saturday, October 13, 2007 at 17:36:14 (EDT)
Howdy..great to hear from you Fay and Randy. My brother & I had a huge collection of LPs years ago. Lots of good ol" Charlie Pride, Merle Haggard, Loretta Lynn, Cash and about all the big names at that time. ( even some screaming Janis Joplin & Creedance Clearwater !!)Well as time went by Mike (little bro.) married and had a little boy & girl who decided to use those big albums to sit on and slide all across the floors. As a result they were completely ruined ! As for country music nowadays most of it is disgusting and filthy and the performers look like a trashy bunch of drunks. There are some good singers & bands still around. But them good old days when Roy Acuff recorded "Wreck on the Highway" and Hank Williams sung "When God Comes and Gathers His Jewels" everbody listened and it made a profound effect on everyone that had a spark of humanity and love of God in their hearts.
- Monday, October 08, 2007 at 11:49:01 (EDT)
You can still buy hi-quality record players. A simple google search turn up several good possibilities. One of the latest features that have been added to the newer models is a computer interface that will make it easy to transfer your LP records to disk or MP3 files.
- Monday, October 08, 2007 at 10:20:40 (EDT)

- Monday, October 08, 2007 at 08:52:08 (EDT)
My husband Steve and I still have one of those 'old timey' record players, and he collects all sorts of LPs, from country and western to Donnie Osmond, to the Beatles and Ray Stevens. So, the players ARE still out there, if you look hard enough!
Virginia Fay

Virginia Clark
- Sunday, October 07, 2007 at 13:14:02 (EDT)
Well, another blazing hot day at the Jourdanton tick & flea mart.!Some folks had more or less camped there since 3 or 4 am to get a decent vendor space. What a huge mass of humanity (mostly of Mexican orgin)unloading trailers, pickups & cars of all sorts of "wonderful treasures" such as colorful chalk yard decorations, donkeys, indian girls,flower carts etc.etc.tons of pakistain & china made tools & knives. One fella had about a million of those big 33 1/3 rpm LP record albumns of EVERYONE from Glen Campbell to Ray Price and the Cherokee Cowboys! Just who in dickens still uses an old machine that plays those things? (Boy howdy..I would still love to hear those Cherokee Cowboys again !!) Ice cream truck with its annoying loud chimes would drive by slowly from time to time offering to sell tiny ice cream cones (pre-packaged)for $1.25.each. Didn"t get much business. Have to admit there is lots of framed darn good indian arrowheads,hide scrapers from south Texas and very colorful ones from Oregon for the ancient artifact collector ! THEY AINT ONE BIT CHEAP EITHER !! Well, I bought a couple tacos,part one VHS of Lonesome Dove(now I desperatly need part 2 !!)
...and last but not least an old post hole digger that was re-sharpened, re-bolted together and re-painted so I can get some re-blisters on my hands again as I re-pair my old rusty falling down fence again. Old cowboys never get to re-tire!

- Saturday, October 06, 2007 at 15:21:28 (EDT)
Howdy sportsfans ! The big news for me this week is that I had bought a couple old cap pistols at the flea mart in a tub of junk from a house cleaning. Sold em on eBay for $150 ! There seems to be a collector for just about anything these days . Seems like my parents bought me a cap pistol or my aunts & uncles did dozens of times back when i was a young"un. Must of had a hundred or more cap guns. IF I ONLY KEPT AND TOOK CARE OF ABOUT 50 OF EM... I"D BE A RICH OLD DUDE! One Christmas dad gave me a Nichols Stallion 45. This was one of the most realistic and well made toy guns ever produced. It was full sized and had "bullets" you put round caps inside and load like a real 1873 Colt sixshooter. These were produced in our own east Texas factories.A mint one is worth over a thousand bucks now ! Oh I think our REAL COWGIRL DiAnna will soon have a birthday, So HAVE A DANDY B"DAY Di !!
- Monday, October 01, 2007 at 23:07:32 (EDT)
Nope don"t think I want to crate up that heavy old cycle and ship it any where. No flea marts. this week, it was the ANNUAL CALLIHAM FIRE DEPT> BBQ & AUCTION !! Got there in time as line formed to buy a plate of BBQ and all the goodies. Folks were really comming in the community bldg. by the drove ! Folks I ain"t never seen afore! Saw Linda Lee Henry ,the McMullen county judge( best lookin" judge in the state !). There was the sheriff with his big black hat, black beard and sixshooter. Several deputies showed up along with a commissioner or two. Had good visit with Horace Wilson, a former Calliham resident, beeman & cattle raiser for many decades. Got to talk to kinfolks Kathy McClaugherty and her sister Helen Buetow. Brian the new Calliham store owner cooked the was WONDERFUL ! Great crowd so we can assume it was a success as a fund raiser. Abel Casas did the auctioneering of the donated items but I didn"t stay for that. It was a winner !!!
- Saturday, September 22, 2007 at 19:46:07 (EDT)
Maybe you should try e-bay, JD. They tell me you can sell anything there.
- Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 16:01:59 (EDT)
I am ready for one of you viewers out there to trade me out of this old motorcycle while the seat and tires appears to be okay. Had to roll it outside this morning to be able to get around in my little shop. So stick it in your front yard, anyone asks about it, tell em Elvis dropped by to fry up some vittles !
- Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 14:22:20 (EDT)
A BIG HOWDY folks! It was another blazing hot flea mart day at Jourdanton, Texas. We bought a big cast iron cook stove and hauled it to Whitsett to deliver to Cecil Wilson for his cabin.Found out a 62nd wedding anniversery was fixing to take place. A man & wife Tejano musica was getting sound equipement set up in the front yard...and spanish rice, beans & briskets about ready to serve was awaiting ! What fool could leave now ?!! It was Cecil & Matilda Wilson"s wedding anniversery party ! People starting driving up. sitting on chairs in the well tree shaded yard. Music kicked off LOUD...Cecil"s dogs went wild and howled for awhile ! The Tejano singing couple are known as La Suerte...and they did a mighty fine job of music making. "La Martina" the gal cute in her big cowboy hat with TEXAS on the brim, short skirt and boots even sung some old Bob Wills numbers "Faded Love" & "Waltz Across Texas". Did a mighty fine job too ! Sam, her husband sings very well and handles the electronic marvel of music making. I really enjoyed a long chat with La Martina after the program. A recording/CD was made of the party so Cecil & Matilda can relive the wonderful 62 wedding anniversety party in days ahead! A good time was had by all....What a day !!
- Saturday, September 15, 2007 at 19:45:51 (EDT)
just a note: Anyone interested in taking an old motorcycle out of my way, for parts or whatever, let me know.
- Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 07:01:19 (EDT)
Muy buenos noches amigos ! Another exciting week has bit the dust at the hidaway on the Poco Riata Ranchette.The land of fireants, mosquitoes, barking dogs and a huge mammoth braying donkey. Don"t get no better than this !I invited Lefty to come over and we"d go camping , swap wild stories around a mesquite campfire, sleep out under the big Texas sky like them old days in the 50s. He said "okay...". Then I asked "...remember that time you caught your pants leg on fire when we camped at the old gravel pit?" He was silent for a moment then said "No I don"t think I want to go camping." Awww..c"mon Lefty you was 9 years old then and there won"t be high wind howling here in the summertime! Where"s your Pioneer spirit, ol" man ?
- Sunday, September 09, 2007 at 17:05:51 (EDT)
Howdy again. I mistakenly signed off the email thing ..took me 4 days to get back on ! Now I am on, but the pipes come loose in my kitchen sink and water flew all over creation almost got my guns wet! Got help on the way. Found a pair of very old Texan jr. cap pistols at the flea mart! Brother Mike is gonna put em on e bay. They were sure pretty . If I was 8 or 9 years old I"d be strutting around playing Gary Cooper in High Noon or Hoot Gibson at the shoot out with them fancy six-shooters! Never know just what those flea marts will have !
- Wednesday, September 05, 2007 at 18:09:00 (EDT)
HOWDY you"all I have learned a few things about this computer and that is: There is NOT A THING on it you can fix with the old fencing don"t even try !! Throughout the years I used the pointed end of those pliers to poke a hole in little Texsun orange juice cans when camped or lunching when cow working.I use them to cut haybail wire or barbed wire. Used as a hammer to drive staples or nails. Use the pointed end again to clean out horse hooves. Use the thing to squash those big and small dog ticks. Those old Crescent brand fencing pliers are great wire strechers if you know just the right twist to do it. Also I could probably bore the readers to tears by going on & on dozens of more uses BUT DON"T EVEN THINK ABOUT USING THEM FENCING PLIERS on a dern computer!
- Saturday, September 01, 2007 at 10:14:42 (EDT)
Howdy sportsfans! Here I am still trying to work the computer.Had good time at the Jourdanton flea market. (I needed more junk to clutter up the place!)Boy howdy it was a hotbox there about bathrooms and little bottles of water a whole dollar each! Bought one of them f iberglass roping steerheads that has prongs in back...naturally I messed up being color blind I painted it GREEN. Ol" Herman Smith had a good laugh out of that. So I bought some brown paint at Wallyworld and did it over right this time.Had some sad news our REAL COWGIRL Janene Russell is moving back to Nebraska to take care of her ailing mother. I wish her and family the best of luck !
- Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at 14:58:03 (EDT)
J.D. Hope you get the computer going. You really like those markets that has fleas. Shotgun, what else did you find.?
- Sunday, August 19, 2007 at 22:27:34 (EDT)
Howdy! I must apoligize for not answering my e mail the last week and a half. Lefty has lent me a computer because the web tv was haywire as a bullbat in heat ! AND I ain"t got the smarts to even get to that mail list and read those e mails much less answer them...and I"ve been trying for a week and about ready to use my old six-shooter on it or my old backwards thick head! Hope that rip roaring blowing storm in the gulf don'T deal us some roof tearing action! Gotto go and check on my mammoth donkey KC and see if he"s behaving himself. Had good time at the Devine, Texas flea market yesterday ! Plenty Tejano musica, fajita tacos and bueno amigos! Even came home with an interesting old lever action shotgun I will try to restore !
- Sunday, August 19, 2007 at 14:43:25 (EDT)
To those that try to email me, please use my old email address. MSN TV (web tv) won"t let that homepage come online but about 1 day out of 3 for some damn fool reason that makes me EXTREMELY MADDDDD enough to dip Levi Garret 4 star snuff !!
- Monday, August 06, 2007 at 18:15:59 (EDT)
Patrick Calliham reports his sister Mary Fern is a GRANDMAW !! She has a year old grandaughter named Melanie! Also Tonya"s brother Tom is engaged ! ( I failed to put this in the comments below)
- Saturday, August 04, 2007 at 13:15:08 (EDT)
Just heard from Patrick Calliham living in south Ft. Smith. He says his mother Thelma is now residing in a retirement home. Her daughters sold lots of her belongings in a yard sale. Things she may not need any longer. Thelma has adjusted pretty well to the nice home. Patrick was living with a roommate who had a stroke and they were on the road to visit Thelma(before her being placed in the home) and to see Mary Fern when a car ran in their lane, hittin them. Wrecking their van. This led to his roomate having another stroke..a severe one . He is in a facility for stroke victums and they very badly need help from some of his daughters or others to pay for the sitters and such while Pat holds his job and comes and goes on lunch hours to tend his friend. He asks if we would pray for them in their needy time

- Saturday, August 04, 2007 at 13:01:30 (EDT)
Rodney ! Pleased to hear from another one of my long lost transplanted in yankeeland kinfolks! I don"t complain about the huge amount of rainfall. I make "light" of it. I well remember the terrible drought of the 50s. And well know that after that next rain the fawcett may shut off for months and MONTHS. When I was a small boy there was lots of big fine Live Oak trees near the river and various places in the pastures along with spanish moss hanging from all the trees along the river bottoms. There were lots of Mustang Gravevines. The drought of the 50s wiped out all those things, at least in our old homeplace on the Frio. So I might joke BUT never complain about the rain !! This week"s musical spot has Diana Reyes doing one of her earlier songs. Her latest CD has a somewhat improved sound and better band backup.She is a beautiful gal with a outstanding singing voice! I had never heard of her until my neice Roxanne gave me one of her CDs for Christmas.I have 2 more CDs and videos of her and am her NUMBER ONE FAN--you betcha ! So if you see her latest CD "Te Voy a Mostrar" try it you"ll LOVE it !

J D <>
Calliham, Tx U S A - Monday, July 30, 2007 at 11:28:51 (EDT)
JD - stop complaining about all that runaway grass growth. You could escape the grass if you boarded with me, Roz and the boys in Brooklyn - grass only in parks that someone else has to cut - but you wouldn't have any of those other blessings - scorpions in house - frogs in boots - wide open spaces. We do have all kinds of music coming over the fence from the neighbors - but none you would like. I don't own a mower; only a weed wacker to chop the weeds coming up between the cracks in the concrete - even that little bit of green we work hard to eliminate. We do have a back yard full of plants - none edible. I heard on the news the other day that almost all of Texas was out of drought conditions - first time in 20 years. I think the only place that didn't get innundated was some little corner in the panhandle which should probably be in Oklahoma or New Mexico anyway. Must be something to have both Mathis lake and Choke Canyon full at one time. Like living through the turn of a century.
Rodney Crumrine
- Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 14:47:54 (EDT)
The tension and excitement is certainly building in the Little Joe strip! I have been watching with rapt attention and just can't wait to see what happens next with the Oaks' gold mine and the evil scheme Jack Russler has up his dirty, rotten sleeves!
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 12:34:27 (EDT)
Huge amount of rain here! I was napping when UPS truck drove up with good looking blonde gal driver (in SHORTS!) I ran outside in my socks so would not miss it. Exact moment it started pouring down rain again. Good blonde heled me carry big mower inside house. I noticed I better shut windows in barn. Grabbed boots that were drying on porch. Couldn"t get left boot on foot. It had huge bullfrog camping inside! So wet scorpions getting inside house. Killed one on the stove. Today it is expected Tilden will have lots of flooding. The same at Whitsett and low areas around Three Rivers (Tex.). Seems REAL odd when you can"t complain about south Texas being "hot & dry "! All this here good rain is gonna have us spoilt rotten !
- Friday, July 27, 2007 at 09:20:05 (EDT)
Howdy folks. Had some trouble with the Secret Link, but it's working now. Please jump in here and let us here from you.
- Friday, July 27, 2007 at 08:52:16 (EDT)
I"m mad as a linecamp cowboy waaay out in the far reaches of a huge west Texas ranch and can"t get anything but Hip-Hop Rap music on the old battery radio ! All this tons of rain and my grassy yard is turning into an Amazon jungle. Old lawn mower wore out.Thought I had found a good deal on a used mower at the Mexican flea mart. The vendor cranked it up for me and was running good. I bought it. Got it home. Couldn"t wait to cut the awful yard.After MUCH cranking it was going. But too fast would die if lowered the speed. So cut about 12 square foot it died...OIL POURED OUT all over the right side, Choker knob fell off, Spark plug flew out! That"s $30 down the snake hole ! Total loss ! Meanwhile grass isgetting worse by the hour! Wally* World is sending a new one "some time between July 12th and the 17th..." You just watch as soon as I go to Super S in Three Rivers for groceries, they won"t find me home and it will be no telling when I get it ! May wind up using a machette to find my house !
- Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 18:47:18 (EDT)
Howdy! Hope you all had a good Fourth of July. At Calliham we are trying to dry out a bit after several huge rains. Mosquitoes are getting bigger and MORE by the hour! There was a fireworks display in down town Calliham on the third. I got the bright idea to see if an old flare gun laying arond here for ages would work so I let off a couple old flare shots...they were duds and barely could be seen.So that was about as much celebrating as I did. But we have a great deal to CELEBRATE here in the good ol" U S OF Texas !!
- Thursday, July 05, 2007 at 06:24:36 (EDT)
Lefty, this week's edition is a classic. A bow-legged JD cartoon, a suspense-filled Little Joe episode and great music from the '60s! What a great way to celebrate Independence Day weekend! Is this a great country or what!?
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Sunday, July 01, 2007 at 16:56:02 (EDT)
June 3,"07---Another ancient cartoon I drew WAAAY back here. But of more recent things..a lady brought over a donkey for me to keep/look after.She hauled it over 300 miles to here.I found out first glance...This ain"t no lttle burro like you might think of in donkeys ! This rascal must be 9oo lbs and about the size of some horses. Gentle as a dog...until you mess with trimming or cleaning his hooves ! Tried to bite me first thing when I picked up a foot. I got a pro-horseshoer to help me on the hooves.This is known as a Mammoth Donkey...the biggest there is ! Put it in corral, closed gate. He got nervous...pawed the steel gate...grabbed lead rope in teeth. wouldn"t let go for long time. Horseshoer carried his wooden tool box that holds rasp, nppers etc.etc.into pen. Donkey grabbed the rasp slung it around. Grabbed the whole wooden tool box. I took it from him. We put halter on big donkey tied it to snubbing post.He tried to bite the shoer, All I could do to hold it"s mouth away from biting the man. Then we had an hour & a half wrestling match cutting those hooves. Got to last hind foot...he kicked the metal stand nearly out of the pen about 25 times !! Horseshoer & I were exhausted being so hot too.Finally got those long over grown hooves trimmed. Turned him loose...he was gentle as a lamb again. Begged for some Frosted Shredded Wheat he likes that the gals were feeding him..His name is KC ...but I should call him MOOSE cause he is so darn HUGE...and about 10 times a day sounds like a MOOSE ! He can blow your hat in the creek if you are nearby with his loud vibrating foghorn bellow !
- Tuesday, June 05, 2007 at 14:11:57 (EDT)
Hi Mary Fern Sorry about your mom being ill.Certainly will pray for her. The Reunion was very enjoyable. David Calliham treated us with his fiddle playing. Got hear some old time tunes his grandad Harry and his dad my uncle Dave used to play. Like "Pop goes the weasel"," Cotton-eyed Joe"and lots more. Was really glad to see my brother Mike show up at the Reunion.Don"t the number yet that came but it was a good reunion !
- Monday, June 04, 2007 at 05:12:00 (EDT)
Say! how did that Calliham Reunion go this past weekend? Wish I could have been there. But, my mom, Thelma Calliham is in the hospital with pneumonia. Please pray for her full recovery. Thanks, Fern Pitman
Mary Fern Pitman
- Sunday, June 03, 2007 at 23:11:14 (EDT)
May 27,"07 Back in the 1960s again with this cartoon depicting my hard times early days. I sure ruined those post hole diggers on the darn rocks ! Got to thinking about times on the Woodward ranch. Mr. Woodward"s old pick up barely had any brakes and the old station wagon wore out from all the trips hauling cow feed during the dry times. He found a very good deal on a La Sabre, the county sheriff had traded in.This was a real gem...had power steering and power breaks ! We made the "test run" in the ranch pasture. Mr. Woodward decided to stop and look over a cow. Now being used to the old truck with poor breaks, he stomped hard as he could on the La Sabre pedal. That quick stop sent us face first into the windsheld ! My old big hat was crammed down over my ears & nose. Nearly busted my glasses ! I think Mr. Woodward nearly choked on his big wad of Brown Mule chaw terbacco ! I remember the first time I drove his old pick up down the cow trail at the river, when I come to the place where it was steep going down hill...all the seat and myself slammed forward against the steering wheel and glass. The seat wasn"t bolted down but was setting on some wood blocks ! Those were the days !
- Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 20:23:08 (EDT)
May 20th,"07 Another one of my old 1970s drawn caroons depicting what my life was like in the 1960s. Yep, nothin quite like digging postholes in concrete hard dry rocky blackland or grubbing brush in 100 degree Texas weather.Hey, this ain"t like Roy Rogers in the movies at all!! Now there is also the hay hauling and stacking in air tight hot tin barns, the corn pulling, the years of pear burning, mesquite post chopping . Mostly at $.75 an hour. BUT when I finally got into the horseback cow was all worth it! How I loved a good hoss and to be with the herd....
- Sunday, May 20, 2007 at 21:21:53 (EDT)
The CALLIHAM REUNION will be June 2nd, 2007 at the Calliham community bldg. Tell your kin and BE THERE ! covered dish & sodas would be nice!
- Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 13:46:48 (EDT)
May 13th, 2007 The cartoon depicting a cowboy meeting a space alien is another of my 1970s drawings. In the last part of that decade I was living on an old ranch by myself.As a sort of ranch security guard and cowboy handyman. The late George Crawford, a fine gentleman out of Three Rivers had a lease on the place. It was owned by the Snoga family who lived at various places. During the later part of the 70s there were quite a few UFO and strange light sightings. Now the average town person had their head stuck in the TV set and would claim no such UFO were seen etc.etc. But there was no TV at that old 1920s ranch house. Just an old antique radio that whined and whistled when you tried to listen to a program. I was outdoors quite a bit looking at the big Texas sky and can tell you as a fact"There are some WEIRD STRANGE things moving around up there !!" I worked for nearly all the old timers in the area and made it a practise to casually bring up UFOs or flying saucers in the chat sessions. Some had seen things that they kept quite about for 50 or 60 years for fear of being laughed at. And I can tell you folks those things would scare the Pace Picante out of you and have you scratching your head trying to rethink all you thought you knew about life on this old globe !
- Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 13:42:09 (EDT)
JUNE 2nd, 2007 the CALLIHAM FAMILY REUNION at Calliham, Texas, will be held in the Calliham community building right beside the Post Office. Lets try to BE THERE in great number this time !! Bring a covered dish and sodas if you want to. Tell your kin about it that don"t get online.

- Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 13:24:15 (EDT)
May 06, 07 This week"s cartoon depicting 2 cowboys on hossback in a drought striken pasture finding a tiny sprig of green grass trying to survive was drawn many years ago. I well remember those rough times in cow country on the Frio River in south Texas. It was the old Woodward ranch that the U S Government later took over for a part of Choke Canyon Lake. I remember coon hunting one night along the river. The ranch boss"s on stopped and shined the flashlight on the ground. "Look there"s grass trying to come back !" He had renewed hope in a green upcomming spring and end to the drought.We had fed range cake and cubes to the weak skinny herd of mostly Brahma mixed breed cattle. Had used butane burners to burn thorns off prickly pear cactus to be eatable for the cattle. In fact we cleaned out 800 acres of cactus and still no end in sight for any drought relief. That is hot miserable work running a butane flame thrower for months ! The elderly boss had bought the ranch years ago on a long term loan (30 years) now he was near the end of his own life term.He told meto the effect " I have done my best, raised my family here.Had great times, had great horses, loved to see the herd grow, had wonderful hunting seasons and adventures fishing & camping on the old Frio. I am a decent Christian, an active Deacon in the Calliham Baptist church. I will die a Cowman in dear old south Texas. I will be remembered this way. The bank can find another teat to squeeze after I am pushing up Bluebonnets !
- Monday, May 07, 2007 at 17:56:17 (EDT)
Hey, it's been a loooonnng time since I heard Tennessee Ernie Ford! Gee. I wuz about knee high to a bullfrog, as I recall.
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 18:19:23 (EDT)
Thanks, Lefty, for remembering the secret link to the Corral again. I'm still enjoying the Leffingwell strip! Looks like the Russler gang is giving the Oaks a little trouble this week.
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Sunday, April 29, 2007 at 23:05:25 (EDT)
Old OUTHOUSES spark lots of good & not so great times in my mind. Grandad"s family outhouse was WAAAY off in the mesquite & cactus from the house. As a very small boy I spent long hours hiding in the thing. A big mean rooster was trying to waylay me. And he was about as tall as I was then. So I hid and looked over the old Sears Roebuck catalog that served as "toilet paper".There was a cardboard box with dried corncobs also when no catalog was available. You learned NEVER sit learned to "hover" over the hole. ALWAYS was black widow spider webs and cacoons . Big old scorpions waiting to get a stinger in your delicate private parts ! Also you always looked out for a big old rusty rattlenake that might be napping inside for a shade. I was a strange kid Iguess, I drew & nailed reward posters on the walls as some entertainment for visitors. Like "$1.98 REWARD for TWO_GUN SAM from CALLIHAM...that sort of silliness. JD
J D <>
Calliham, Tx U S A of Texas - Sunday, April 29, 2007 at 18:19:00 (EDT)
Well, another week,,,another cartoon. Anna Nicole was a rather tragic soul. Just like Elvis, Hank Williams and others that really did shine in the limelight then their star fell to the earth all to soon. Seems to me if they had REAL loved ones that REALLY cared, this didn"t have to happen that way. I remember stopping in the little town of Mexia back in the 80s. This was Anna Nicole"s hometown. It looked like so many old Texas towns with the store buildings from the 1920 & 30s. During the 1920s it was a rip roaring oil boom town with gambling, murder & prositution going full blast...until Capt. Frank Hamer and the Texas Rangers along with some troops of the U S ARMY had to be called to clean up the mess, burn the roulette wheels and send the criminal elements hotfooting it down the dusty roads ! Adios, Anna Nicole, I truly hope you are in a much better place now where the perfect love of the Heavenly Father surrounds you and there are no more tears and confusion. No more shallow selfish persons to leech off your fame and wealth. Jesus loves you.
- Monday, April 16, 2007 at 20:02:05 (EDT)
Years ago when I just started riding, it was larger Shetland ponies and bareback. I visited some kinfolks who had a cow outfit near Victoria,TExas. My cousin let me ride his gntle horse for a couple days. Boy howdy, I loved that..wandering around all over the pasture and running all over the big sand pit. Running up and down the high walls of the thing. I REALLY really bad raw bloody saddle-sores on my skinny butt ! Took quite a while to heal. What was embarassing was that I got called up by Uncle Sam to be examined by the U S Army in San Antonio. I remember standing in line completely nude with about 30 other guys as they examined each of us. The sore was never mentioned but being color blind, nearsighted and 124 lbs. at 6 ft. 2 inches.and asthmatic, I was not accepted as Veit Nam material.
- Monday, April 09, 2007 at 11:58:42 (EDT)
This week"s bar room scene reminds me of my FORMER LIFE. In the 60s my dad sold me his cow herd and turned the land over to me to raise em on. I had to make a long term loan with the FHA to pay for it since I bet I didn"t have $30 to my name at that time. This kept me rather busy and mind off those old beer joints ( most of the time). The govrnment sent out a rep from the FHA office. His job was checking to see if all the cattle was there and in good shape etc.etc. I called him "Big Jerry" He was about 6 ft,4 and maybe 300 lbs. Bald headed..wouldn"t wear a hat. Hated the hot weather and getting away from the A/C. He came out and we drove down to the Frio river bottom for a cow check. It was smoking hot. He counted them as fast as he coiuld. "...and there is the last one in the shade by the
river bank." He said pointing that way and was ready to head by to his office. I replied " No sir, that"s old Queenie our Shetland mare." He didn"t like that much. Another time we were going to meet at the creek pasture and count the cattle thre. So I was there on my old hoss "Shorty"when he drove up right on time. There were lots of gullies and branches of the creek there growed up in weeds. We counted all th herd except one big black Brahma cow with straight sharp horns. I told "Big Jerry" I would let out one of my loud commanche cattle calls and see if ol" Blacky showed up. I did and running out of a weedy gully right behind "Big Jerry" came the huge black horned Brahma cow. " Big Jerry" saw her and was terrified ! He ran as hard as he could jumped up and was climbing on me as I was on the old hoss ! I thought the big 300 lb. fellow was going flip us over ! I yelled "she ain"t gonna hurt you...she thinks I am gonna feed her some range cubes"!! Well, I got a kick out of Big Jerry seems they moved him into another position at the Farm Home Administration officce. Hopefully away from cattle and nearer the A/C.

- Sunday, April 01, 2007 at 18:29:17 (EDT)
This week"s spooky hoss cartoon brings back memories of past misfortunes, mishaps or whatever they were. Years ago I decided to ride uncle Dave"s green broke gelding. I saddled up and put on the bridle used for that certain hoss. Was riding good until I rode near the big stack of barbwire I had piled on the hill to pick up later. The hoss hadn"t seen it before and took off in fright fast as a greased pig down a deep ravine. I plled back hard on the reins and yelled WHOA but the old dried out leather broke on both reins. Leaving me helpless on a runaway with huge rocks and holes zooming by. Had to be cool and plan something muy pronto ! I grabbed a small mesquite tree as it zoomed by. It doubled up with my weight and help slow down my fall but the dang sandstones were mighty hard on my old backbones ! After that I laid up ailing at the old ranch house on a wire cot for a day or so recooping. But the worst "mishap" was just a few years ago when I had a roping saddle borrowed while mine was in the shop getting sewed up. This type saddle has barely any cantle to catch you. But designed to get out of fast to tie a calf.Anyhow a young racing mare I was working with was doing fine untilI we was headed home across the pasture. She saw some imaginary booger, did a big wild leap forward and caught me off guard. No cantle to stop backwards I went land HARD on the big BUCK knife on my hip! It was like landing on a brick ! I wound up an ambulance hauling me to the Spohn Hospital in Beeville ! Boy I was hurting ! Doc said I would be in crutches for 5 weeks. He was EXACTLY correct ! That was about 5 years ago I am still numb in the right hip...and very leery of strapping on that big BUCK knife again !
- Sunday, March 25, 2007 at 17:24:13 (EDT)

If you haven't been getting your sunday update, you might try looking in your SPAM folder. These new computers don't always know what's good.

- Sunday, March 25, 2007 at 11:10:16 (EDT)
I liked that Goodman song on video tape! Keep those Little Joe comics coming, too!
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever <>
Gladewater, TX USA - Monday, March 12, 2007 at 20:59:27 (EDT)
The 1960 photo (Calliham Photos on this website) of my dad, little brother Mike (who is a grandpa now) and myself was taken on location in west Texas. This was the movie prop "Riata Ranch" house used in the film GIANT. There was a severe drought going on during filming and hot as blaze. James Dean lost his life before the film was completed in a car crash. Some of the dialog had to be dubbed in by someone else. Years later a gulf storm blew away the remains of the movie prop house except for the big wood utility poles that held it up. I remember seeing the first run of GIANT at the old Rialto Theatre in Three Rivers, Texas. This was and is the greatest "Texas" movie ever filmed ! The old Texas I love with cattle, horses and tough Texicans !!
- Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 15:18:57 (EDT)

- Sunday, March 11, 2007 at 14:13:58 (EDT)
You want cheerful? Wait till next week!

I'll show you cheerful.

- Sunday, March 04, 2007 at 15:34:44 (EST)
Dang, Lefty, that Cash tune is so cheerful I can barely keep from cutting my own throat! Thank goodness the Little Joe strip and JD's cowfart pulled me out of my depression just in time. I feel better now. Think I'll go find someone in a wheelchair to slap around.
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, Whatever
- Sunday, March 04, 2007 at 12:46:49 (EST)
This week"s cartoon mentioning a dinosaur: I don"t know if them big rascals would eat hay but that was thousands of years afore there was farmers with hay bailers ! Back in the late 60s when we lived on the old "rancho" a neighbor dropped by and invited my dad & I togo with hm to see an amazing find on the Atascosa river in Live Oak County near Whitsett, Texas. We all squeezed in the car( think he had some kids with him) and took a long drive through several pastures and had to all hike quite a ways to the bend in the river "find". Sure "nuff there lay a huge wooly mamouth ivory tusk. ELEVEN FOOT LONG ! The sandy river bank had caved off in a recent rise and exposed the ancient thing. No telling how heavy it was, but we knew better than try to move it. Just think what a huge critter it had to have been to pack TWO of those giant tusks. Also throughout the ages how many Kiowa, Commanche Indian and white, black or Mexican hunter or fisherman had walked over that spot not knowing that just
a few feet under foot was such a relic of the pre-historic world long before our Saviour Jesus and before Adam & Eve filled up on them damn apples !!

- Sunday, February 25, 2007 at 18:14:25 (EST)
In reference to last week"s cartoon about the drought of the 50s. Lots of things cross my mind about that 7 year "no rain"time. The old Frio drying up with dead fish all up & down the bottom. Cattle (what there was left) simply walking accross the dry river and getting in someone else"s land. Spanish moss being pulled from trees to feed cattle. I remember the big pictorial LIFE MAGAZINE coverage of the south Texas drought. The millions of prayers that went up from big & little churches for rain. I remember being in George West , Texas watching a parade celebrating a county fair when THE DROUGHT BROKE !! Johnny Jones an old time barber was driving a little buggy pulled by a horse. He stood up in the seat raising his arms i celebration as a 6 lnch cloud burst soaked him and everyone and wonderful rainwater ran down the streets and pured off the awnings of business places in that Live Oak county town !
- Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 21:51:44 (EST)
Good grief, Lefty, where'd you get that rusty old Willie tune? Haven't heard that one in a month of sundays. I'm really getting a kick out of the Little Joe strips.
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, Whatever
- Monday, February 19, 2007 at 00:21:06 (EST)
That Lyle Lovett looks just like a fellow use to own an old store building in Calliham in the mid seventies. He became a terrible drunk. Went into some Mexican's house accross the street from the old store. Got food out of the fridge..the men folks came home while he was in the house. One of them kicked him out the door. He went to store got a rifle in each hand. CAme back gonna shoot up th place. They saw him shot over his head with a shotgun. He ran off right into a car fell down bruised up himself, broke the stock on one of his rifles.. Someone called the sheriff who came out gave him a good cussin' out. Calliham was WILD.
- Sunday, February 11, 2007 at 15:38:26 (EST)
We got a weiner...eeer I mean a winner ! Mike Bedwell writes that it has to be an old REO truck. Send that boy the GRAND PRIZE,,,two dozen hog"s head tamales. A COORS LITE tallboy...and bus tickets to a 3 day vacation to sunny Calliham, Texas !
- Thursday, February 08, 2007 at 18:46:30 (EST)
We got a weiner...eeer I mean a winner ! Mike Bedwell writes that it has to be an old REO truck. Send that boy the GRAND PRIZE,,,two dozen hog"s head tamales. A COORS LITE tallboy...and bus tickets to a 3 day vacation to sunny Calliham, Texas !
- Thursday, February 08, 2007 at 18:44:30 (EST)
I give up. It looks like a 50's ford with 60's mirrors, but I can't explain the letters EO on the grill.
- Monday, February 05, 2007 at 07:38:46 (EST)
Hey! Those old 1930S Little Joe comics were really good ! Can anyone identify the make of truck I have drawn in my "Ol" Cowfarts" cartoon ? There was another old truck that had folding hoods without the vent opens and were rather large & deep from a big truck. There was a man in the next county who would weld two sets of the same hoods end to end and put in a steel peice to fill in the gap. It made a nice pregnant canoe looking boat once you added boards for seats. My neighbors (Crwfords boys) had one and Maurice Shenkir & I went on a fishing trip on the Frio back in the early 60s. It wasn"t easy to navigate being so wide in the middle,,, but it worked in the calm waters back in those good ole days ! It carries us 4 boys, lots of bait and bucket of lnes etc.etc. Boy! How i miss them good old OUTLAW days !!
Calliham, Texas, - Sunday, February 04, 2007 at 17:00:37 (EST)
Thank you for the kind words, guys. As for Little Joe, we are just gettin' started.
- Tuesday, January 30, 2007 at 19:58:18 (EST)
I really miss Roy also. He used to spend several weeks of summer vacation with my family in the 50s & early 60s. One night we dcided to stay at his grandmother"s old house. She had been living at another town to be close to her hospital job. The house was rather dusty cause it set unoccupied for long time. Roy & I went to bed in the back room. In the middle of the night...WHAM CRASH!! The head of the bed fell in leaving a thick dust cloud and we found ourselves feet in the air and heads against the floor. I thought a bomb or earthquake took place !! The wooden slats had come out !
- Monday, January 29, 2007 at 18:51:39 (EST)
Lefty: I enjoyed the reprint of your songs and history epistle. Like you, I sure miss ol' Roy. However, the world is still a little brighter because of his wit, talent and humor. I hope you find a bunch more of those Little Joe strips. I am enjoying them very much. I wish the politically correct comics of today were as simple and colorful. - Banjo
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Monday, January 29, 2007 at 09:17:20 (EST)
NOTE: On my message below: The Smith & Wesoon Russian revolver was from the 1870s. Modern REPLICAs (not repicas) are very costly but favored by lots in the Cowboy Shootists organizations.
- Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at 07:00:46 (EST)
This week"s "Little Joe" adventure reminds me of when I was a big kid, someone gave me an old pistol. It had a crack on one of the cylinder chambers so I was leery of shooting the thing. But I packed it around anyway. My late uncle Herbert Bedwell ( a real dyed in wool shootist!) told me i was a Smith & Wesson Russian revolver so would be difficult to locate ammo for it anyway. Later I saw an ad in a magazine where a man buys old guns. Sold it for $20. NOWADAYS repicas ofthat very model are over $600 !
- Sunday, January 21, 2007 at 18:51:43 (EST)
Thanks, Lefty, for the Little Joe cartoon. I'd never seen that one before. The Little Orphan Annie heritage is fairly obvious, now that you mentioned it. Thankfully, this artist didn't use those weird blank eyeballs!
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Monday, January 08, 2007 at 11:13:47 (EST)
JD, I remember one time stayin' at your house when we were kids. You drew something on the wall, I remember. Later the bedroom was taken out to enlarge the living room and some the boards wound up in the new outhouse. I remember seeing that little drawing of yours on the inside of the door many times.
- Sunday, January 07, 2007 at 17:38:41 (EST)
Today"s Ol" Cowfart cartoon comes from the early days of living in this part of south Texas. When the oil well drillers with their wooden derricks and steam rigs came and went Men began to teardown the wooden derricks.They were of the best seasoned lumber, and build the frameworks for barns and houses out of the timbers. Things went for the most part back to poverty or the era known as the Great Depression. If you were in need of a hog pen to keep and fatten up the wild hogs you caught, you used boards off the old chicken house that hasn"t been used for 15 years. Heaven forbid ever BUYING good VIRGIN lumber...that COSTS money! So that sort of sets the pattern of how we did things. The big hatted cowpoke in the cartoon really has no real conception of what being "OIL RICH"would mean. That a family might then have INDOOR PLUMBING and not ever need to patch up an old outdoor privy. Also the cowpoke should be happy for his neighbor"s good fortune and not full of envy and madness!
- Sunday, January 07, 2007 at 15:43:43 (EST)
Happy NEW YEAR!! That gorgeous gal in the finely decorated sombrero on the front page this week is Alicia Villarreal(Cruz) foremly of the regional Mexican singing group GRUPO LIMITE.Probably the most well known & popular Tejano band ever. Alicia sings with some of the most beautiful BIG bands out of Mexico now and writes lots of her material. What a voice !!!
J D Bedwell
- Monday, January 01, 2007 at 15:48:46 (EST)
Shucks, Cactus, that thar new-fangled poem ain't half bad! Hope you and yours are havin' yerselves a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Monday, December 25, 2006 at 00:18:56 (EST)
MERRY CHRISTmas all you inlaws & outlaws out there! Jesus is the reason for the season !!
- Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 13:47:37 (EST)
Randy that"s a whooper of a fishing yarn. I used to work on a ranch near Tilden with a tank about that size. The boss would throw out fish food, then wait awhile real still inside the PU cab till one big enough to suit him was eating...then shoot him with the old rusty shotgun. He had a long pole type rake to get him out of the water( when I refused to bog up to my arm pits in freezing water to get it.) Boy. there were some really big"uns in that old tank !
- Monday, December 18, 2006 at 11:33:14 (EST)
Good grief, Randy! That's some fish story! If your son can catch that big of a yellowcat on a 6-lbs. WalMart line, seems maybe you ought give him a .30-30, send him deer hunting and see if he comes back with an moose!
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 21:19:08 (EST)
JD Thought I'd pass on my Thanksgiving week-end. My youngest son and his wife live on a ranch in Erath Co. Sunday,after eating all week end, he ask his mom and I to go fishing at a stock tank close to his house. We've been fishing there before and caught several 2-3 lb channel cats and a few bass. On the second cast, my son hollers "first fish". This is a very small tank. Long story short, he pulls out a 33 lb yellowcat. Caught on a Walmart rig with 6lb testline. To top it all, he hooked this sucker in the eye. But he got him out. Ranch forman was glad. He was wondering why he couldn't get fish to grow there. Merry Christmas to you and yours Randy
Randy Bedwell
- Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 17:09:07 (EST)
JD, you need to change your email address. Call this Toll free number: 1-866-466-7688 and tell them you want to change your email address because you are getting too much spam.
- Monday, December 04, 2006 at 21:47:48 (EST)
J.D. brother Mike and cousin Lefty. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. As JD just stated, thinking back we all had a lot to be thanksful for. I wish the younger generation could realize just how good we had it "Back Then, Out There" We were happy with a horse at age 15, now all wants a car.
Smity Smith
- Thursday, November 23, 2006 at 21:52:42 (EST)
Wishing you all a wonderful THANKSGIVING DAY !! I can still remember as a child, long ago helping my grandmother prepare the banana pudding for the big day. How these ladies worked in those hot tiny kitchens so many long hours in those old farm houses was amazing. The kinfolks filled the home on Thanksgiving and a great time was held by all. Some of us boys would usually hike down in the pasture to see the old Frio River. Always stopped to look at the ancient carvings on the big trees that surrounded the old camp ground and remember bygone summers of swimming and fishing trips. It was great having your own swimming hole and camping place to get away from mommy & daddy and be like Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn ! Yep, we had a lot to be thankfull for and we didn"t always realize it at the time.
- Thursday, November 23, 2006 at 12:54:10 (EST)
First of all I am so ill with that hill country cedar pollen that drifts here for at least 2 months every year, I can hardly breathe, much less do a decent cartoon with Kinky & Willie. As far as being offended, I have no idea what in the cat hair you are talking about, Smitty or Dayton.
- Thursday, November 16, 2006 at 15:20:02 (EST)
JD....Draw us a cartoon with Kinkey and Willie. They are friends. So they say. Don't forget to show Willie's guitar, "Trigger"
smity smith
- Wednesday, November 15, 2006 at 19:30:19 (EST)
JD, I changed a caption on your cartoon. I did not mean for it to be put on the ballot to be voted on. Not sure whose idea that was. If I offended you, your brother or cousin, I am sorry.
Smity Smith
- Wednesday, November 15, 2006 at 19:23:03 (EST)
JD, that would make a great caption for a cartoon. It is passionate, witty, and over the top. Don't waste it!
- Tuesday, November 14, 2006 at 11:09:41 (EST)
I just hope I get raptured out of here before the godless socialist Democrats completely destroy the USA. Otherwise every thing is peachy keen! Well, you asked me what I thought.
- Sunday, November 12, 2006 at 17:27:04 (EST)
Reunion for "Old Calliham"folks that grew up in that area will be held November 18Th at the American Legion hall in Three Rivers, Texas. Starting about 10:30 am...a dinner will be held . Music will start at 3:oo PM with Calvin Taylor performing. Good chance to visit classmates and folks you haven"t seen in ages.Be there..ENJOY !
- Friday, November 10, 2006 at 07:58:22 (EST)
Gosh..! Nobody told me my Ol" Cowfarts" charactors were going to be on the election ballot !! Makes me think...Kinky Friedman looks like something I would draw !
- Tuesday, November 07, 2006 at 11:30:44 (EST)
I think I'll vote for the original. Nothing personal, Dayton. It's just that's the kinda guy I am. I always dance with the one what brung me!
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Monday, November 06, 2006 at 12:11:04 (EST)
Glad to hear from you Randy and to know there are some kinfolks out there. I guess Grandpaw was the original cowfart on this website. I worked for quite a number of "ol" cowfarts". Mostly because I love good horses and being around a bunch of cattle way off from the congested big towns, noisy cars & trucks, where you can still hear the coyotes at night and the spanish doves by day. Only one rancher ever sent in any social security out of my wages, so I don"t live very high off the hog ! But I am thankful for all the good times & great amigos...!
- Monday, November 06, 2006 at 10:12:37 (EST)
Randy Bedwell
- Monday, November 06, 2006 at 08:28:29 (EST)
J.D. I'm glad to know that you are Juanita's Playboy. What I Really want to know is more about your Diamond Mine near Marfa. Are you sure you are not just seeing the "Marfa Lights" instead of Diamonds?
"Smity" Smith
- Sunday, November 05, 2006 at 14:26:23 (EST)
I can't wait to see what that specially-equipped sub is gonna do to the ferry flight.
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Sunday, November 05, 2006 at 13:35:22 (EST)
Hey JD You will always be my PLAYBOY..
- Friday, November 03, 2006 at 19:20:26 (EST)
Heehee,if you believe that international PLAYBOY stuff, I have a diamond mine near Marfa,Tex. to sell you !!
- Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at 01:28:17 (EST)
Aww shucks! Didn"t want everyone to know that I AM an Ol" Cowfart and that plays heck with my reputation as an international PLAYBOY !!
- Monday, October 30, 2006 at 16:27:48 (EST)
Thanks Lefty for the information on J.D.'s age. My guess was good. I was only one year off. I am 10 years older than HE. So I will say to J.D. Now I know for sure. Thanks again Lefty. J.D. may never talk to us again.
"smity" Smith
- Sunday, October 29, 2006 at 22:26:11 (EST)
Hey Lefty...Thanks for the advise on finding the age of the old "cowfart". I am fixing to go through the directions you gave and come up with J.D.'s age. I think he is nine years younger than I. And as J.D. said, that is old as dirt. Thanks white boy.
"smity" Smith
- Sunday, October 29, 2006 at 22:12:41 (EST)
Hey! Whose side you on "white Boy" ?
- Thursday, October 26, 2006 at 15:40:02 (EDT)
Hey smity! If you want to find out J.D.'s age, just follow these simple directions. Go to and click on "geneology." Then click on "Calliham Family Tree." Then click on "Henry Thomas Calliham." Then click on "Georgia Calliham" and there you will see the birth year of John Dean Bedwell.
- Wednesday, October 25, 2006 at 15:12:22 (EDT)
(Airgirls..) Oh good !, a Semar original ADVENTURE cranking up ! Hang on to your fedoras, it might get rough going & DANGEROUS ! I can almost hear Glen Miller"s big band playing and the Andrew Sisters light up a Camel and ponder awhile..
- Sunday, October 22, 2006 at 22:54:04 (EDT)
What kind of an old fool would give up Judy Collins for Rush Limbaugh? They have a saying in the computer business: "garbage in, garbage out." You can visit the official Judy Collins web-site at
- Monday, October 16, 2006 at 15:52:06 (EDT)
Old cowfarts in black & white. Yuck. What happened, did J.D. run out of colored pins? Haven't entered the Corral Gate lately but I do still look at the website every week. Sorry, J.D. that I missed your birthday. I still have not found out your age. Guess I will have to go to the G.W. courthouse to research further.
"Smity" Smith
- Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 20:55:07 (EDT)
This week"s "Old Cowfarts" cartoon (record shop) comes from the time years ago I had a thing for folk music. Finally got to go to a record shop in the huge city of San Antonio, Texas. I walked in looking quite a bit like that charactor in the cartoon. One of the clerks looked up saw me and replied "The Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty are that way." pointing his finger that way. When I said "No I am looking for Judy Collins." he was stupified and couldn"t believe it. Well, she did have some dandy old folk tunes...but after finding out what a raging liberalthe poor misguided gal was, I won"t play her stuff any more.
- Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 17:48:43 (EDT)
A late HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Real Cowgirl...DiAnna Tobiasson !! I have learned better than to say just how OLD a gal is cause I got in trouble TOO many times already! But she"s not terribly old... my old Stetson is probably 10 years older than her !! She too is a hard working Nebraska gal just like Janene (our other cowgirl) They are made of good pioneer stock ! JD
- Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at 20:06:31 (EDT) peyote muffins for this ol" redneck. I was always nutty enough already to be taking phycho-dilly hippy beatnik "goodies"!
- Tuesday, October 03, 2006 at 16:20:30 (EDT)
Ohmigosh! Looks like JD's having a flashback to the sixties, using the lyrics of an old Richard Harris song in his cartoon! I reckon it must've been those peyote muffins he used to make over the campfire back in the olden days.
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Monday, October 02, 2006 at 15:21:58 (EDT)
Hey, that little mule I was looking after last year was also named "Little Orphan Annie"...that was until she tried to get a tooth hold in my back, then she had another name...! Check out that ad for Laura Larson"s book "Legend of Prairie Island" right under the comic strip. Folks that is one fine book! One you will want to read over & over. Very suspenseful. A real good mystery ADVENTURE !
- Sunday, October 01, 2006 at 22:54:28 (EDT)
Not to bore to death the viewers telling about tools of EXTREME hard labor but... a South Dakota "spoon" type post hole digger is as worthless as a prom dress on a bullrider ! You can"t scratch the hard packed south Texas ground with a "spoon". Something historic happened in Hawaii when I was hatched ? Could it have been when Engelbert Pumpernickel cut his first hit record ?
- Tuesday, September 26, 2006 at 08:49:56 (EDT)
Forget about 10-foot posthole diggers. Ask J.D. about the first time he ever used a post-hole "spoon". Come on, Lefty, let's have some more Popeye! Shiver me timbers, I still gets a kick out of the old spinach chomper. How old is J.D.? Hmmm. Let's see. Let me give you a clue. Something historically significant happened in Hawaii about a month and a half after he was hatched.
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Monday, September 25, 2006 at 22:30:38 (EDT)
I got that L O O O N N G handled post hole digger idea for this week"s cartoon from when as a skinny youth I went to work on a south Texas ranch back in the early 60s. It was designed so to dig very deep holes for corner brace posts on long stretches of fence lines. A day of using them things you thought your arms would drop off !! Another note: One year on that ranch the foreman killed 110 rattlesnakes. He kept daily records. Sometimes a rattlesnake would be found in the bottom of one of those deep postholes left open over night.
- Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 19:32:41 (EDT)
Aw shoot! I can ride a hoss just fine.if I had one. Just been about 3 years since I was "tall in the saddle". How old am I ?....I plead the fifth amendment...let me consult my lawyer and get back to you on that...
- Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 17:22:26 (EDT)
JD, Now that you are nearer my age, I understand the old cowboy climbing up on his hoss with the ladder, in today's cartoon! The last time I rode a hoss, over at my daughter's ranch, a year ago, I had to climb up on the picnic table to get into the saddle, even! Pretty embarrassing, especially when I can well remember (just yesterday, it seems) when I could grab the withers and swing up on my hoss when she was bareback, even, let alone having a saddle on 'er. Oh, well, we've had our day - so, WELCOME TO THE CLUB, OLE MAN!!! How many summers are you now? TSF
Two Silver Fox
- Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 12:21:08 (EDT)
Happy late birthday, J D. How are you, now??
Virginia Calliham Clark
- Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 11:06:11 (EDT)
Hey, I like the Katzenjammer Kids! When I was a little bitty feller my parents drug me around to about a zillion antique shops where I got a fairly thorough education about old comic strips and dime novels and other basically useless topics. My favorite oldies were Mutt & Jeff. Anyhow, lest I forget, I need to wish J.D. a Happy Birthday, which happened this week (6/15). I think he must've turned 109 because he's 12 years older than me and I feel like I'm at least 97!
Banjo, Llewdeb, Mike, whatever
- Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 10:59:22 (EDT)
This is the directions on just how to locate that Antique Farm Auction in Nebraska: 5235 H Road,rural Nebraska City,NE on hwy 2 to road 52 then 1/2 mile north of H road and 1/4 mile east or from Dunbar, 2 go 3 miles east on hwy 2 to 52 road then 1/2 mile north and 1/4 mile east! GOOD LUCK !!!
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 at 17:12:24 (EDT)
Your RealCowgirl Janene Russell"s folks (The Chamberlains) are having a HUGE Antique FARM AUCTION in rural Nebraska City, Neb. on Sept. 23, 2006. This is the BIG ONE! Huge assortment of horse related items. Wagons buggies, harness, spurs, bits etc. Model T & A Fords, Old pickups & cars. Large assortment of tractors and farm equipement. Thousands of collectables !! Two rings going same time so much great items !! Starts at 10 AM !
J D Bedwell
- Thursday, August 31, 2006 at 11:43:21 (EDT)
Nice Johnny Cash comedy tune. Reminds me of back about "61 or '62 when me another old boy took off from 3 Rivers(Texas) after church and went to San Antonio to that old Memorial bldg.and saw "the Stars of the Grand Ol" Opry" Minnie Pearl, Earnst Tubb ( the Texas Two by four) and a whole bunch of other big names did their thing. Of course we were there to see Cash. He finally came on the stage...couldn"t sing a word ! Had larngytis terrible bad. And at that time he was dressed in a dazzling WHITE suit! He painfully did some kind of poem and the band did instrumental it wasn"t a total loss. I was wearing a huge big brim western hat that was almost like a Mex sombrero. Some cowpoke said "I thought MY hat was big "till I saw you !!" Vaya con dios, amigos...JD
- Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 15:28:55 (EDT)
Just a note: I get e-Mail postcards "from a family member" now & then. The cards/attachment will not open up on my web-tv, so I can"t see them or know who is sending them. So excuse me for not answering your messages. Muy gracias, amigos...
- Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 08:27:36 (EDT)
Gosh, ol" Lefty had to really dig D E E P in that old dusty cedar chest for that cartoon stript !! My great grand pappy might have read that one ..if he wasn"t busy tracking down horse thieves at the time. Anyhow he would have gotten a chuckle from it.
- Monday, August 14, 2006 at 08:26:05 (EDT)